The memories of this omg lmao. Once we figured the coordination and resist gear we didn’t really get stuck until vael in bwl. At one point we started doing 20 player ony and 2 healer zg just for fun
I am SO disappointed I didn’t think of that pun or I totally would’ve used it lol
You mean like legion where we gave everyone an artifact and oranges, and the population was much higher?
So could he drop ilvl 500 gear and weapons
I hope your life becomes more fulfilling than it currently is.
I’m honestly dreading that legendary axe.
Because some plate goons are gonna bring it into PvP, where it’s going to obviously be unbalanced.
It harms the PvP crowd, and it’s a PvE-obtained item.
I highly doubt it’s gonna be worse than the PvP weapons, because it’s a legendary. They’ve caused problems in the past, too.
I just have this gut feeling, from experience.
I remember in Legion, some legendaries were insane for PvP.
There was this Rogue one for Fan of Knives, you could easily delete entire raid groups. It increased the damage done based on how many targets or something like that, insane before it was nerfed.
One video I found that has it, it was dumb lol.
Every 2 sec, gain 25% increased damage for your next Shuriken Storm stacking up to 30 times.
-Assassination, Outlaw
Every 2 sec, gain 35% increased damage for your next Fan of Knives stacking up to 30 times.
When I die, I’ll die happy knowing my legacy of defeating Halo Legendary with all skulls and no deaths will be achieved.
It will be on my gravestone.
I skipped Legion. But weren’t they more or less just equipable abilities at the end of the day?
technically, vanilla and tbc.
mostly because there was only 1 difficulty option.
I wouldn’t exactly call content from those eras “hard”
Yeah we are back to the Legendary nonsense, it divides the community more than bringing it together.
The fact you don’t realize this game is manipulated and controlled by Blizzard HQ to a point the accomplishment is all artificial created to give a sense of pride shows how easy you are to bait . You can hide behind a wow icon but you always gonna be a sheep .
Nah, they were extremely good passives that buffed abilities, I remember getting one of the Best in Slot ones for BM hunter, and I did like a third more damage from that alone.
Some would give extra talent points or something, so you could choose another and have two talents on that tree, extremely good.
Each of these was a big DPS increase.
There were a few ‘active’ ones, like “Kil’jaedan’s Burning Wish”, which could nuke a target, still useful.
That statement was craaazy.