Has the leggo axe dropped yet?

Or wont it start up until race for world first is over?

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I had heard that Mythic needs to be defeated first before the ledge axe starts dropping. But I don’t know if that’s actually the case.

If mythic goes down today, I wonder if everyone that killed last boss this week on normal and heroic are screwed until reset

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more than likely

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Hopefully because people doing normal/heroic don’t deserve legendaries anyway.

ah the elitists are coming out to play now!


Uhh, when has a legendary item required the highest difficulty again


Dude its a video game.


Elitist scrub
True combo


I bet you are just as much of a charming and pleasant individual in real life as you appear to be on the internet.


Tbh people who like achievement and effort aren’t elitists, they’re just normal.

There are people who wallow in their mediocrity though.

This can kinda be handwaved away by it being Fyrakk’s weapon. Gameplay obviously makes it look silly anyway, but lore-wise it wouldn’t really make sense to defeat Fyrakk using a weapon that he’s currently wielding.

I haven’t heard any blood curdling screams in the middle of the night so no I guess.

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Nah dude. Only tryhards care about other people’s gear in a video game.

Molten Core, because the highest difficulty was the only difficulty.

Did I win? Is there a prize? What’s my prize?


Locking the leggo behind the world first race is a pretty dumb decision that benefits no one but like the 60 or so people in that race.

Compared to the thousands of people who are also doing your raid.

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Why even talk to somebody trying to gatekeep when they themselves are hiding their exp lmao

It’s probably just a larp

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The price is a like.

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Make it TWO likes!

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You really should shut up and quit chasing after rage

Wow forums tend to send people like you on vacation for a few days.