Has the hype died?

Been trying to get a group for a dungeon for 2 days now with no luck, 2 months ago I was doing dungeons all day.

My 3 guilds most 60s were active over 2 months ago, I was hoping classic would last longer than this. Could be my server too but dunno


It’s still there.


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I mean a active population, mostly level 60 dungeons being spammed now no leveling ones.

You’re on a medium pop oceanic server. If you’re looking to do an instance you might want to try at peak time - you probably know when that is. It also depends on the dungeon and if you can convince your guild/friends to help you out.

Are you using the LookingForGroup channel? What about World? Have you tried asking in Trade? What about offering gold for help?

what server you on?

But four days ago you posted:

You seem more neurotic than anything if you go from loving something to being fearful in just four days, without even reaching level 60.


I’m pretty sure the hype died during the leveling process to 60. What’s left now are the people who endured that part and are sticking around to tackle the 40 man raids and/or PVP/Twink out.

If you ain’t got a guild that runs dungeons regularly, be ready to spend 30+ minutes filling up a PUG as very few want to run dungeons at this point.


My guild seems total of 5 people on at the time I can play(late evening), yeah I’ve tried LookingForGroup, Trade and general.

Downloaded the classic LFG addon and was nothing on there.

you must be one of those people that type “LFG” in chat. no one responds to those. you have to be responsible and proactive and say “LFM” and lead the group. get the healer and dps / tank yourself. most people are insanely lazy and refuse to make groups. make them and see the difference.


Oh no I still love it, just want to heal a dungeon and having a hard time even finding one.

Its pretty easy to get a group if you are willing to lead it.

Also, any warriors that whisper you, ask if they will tank it. Most will whisper you as dps but are willing to tank it if specifically asked. They just don’t volunteer to do it usually. And if you get a tank the rest of the group falls in place very quickly.

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Its not the game. Its your server. Some server still pop up login queues on the weekend. You are on a medium to low end server and are seeing the results of people leaving.

Come to one of the mega server that people are transferring TO and tell me how you feel about classic then…

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Probably your server. Mine is packed all the time except for like 6-8 am.

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Everyone is:

  • Raiding
  • Farming gear for 60 toons
  • Farming mats for consumables for BWL
  • PvP
    Once ZG is released, you will see people leveling up alts, since ZG is a really good place to gear up new toons. The few people that are leveling alts are either buying dungeon runs from 60s, or having friends/guildies/other account running them through them.
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Remulos is a dying server, play on Arugal if you can handle the Horde being the dominant faction.

That’s a bit disheartening to hear, I’m sorry. Maybe it would be more effective to get one of your 60 friends to run you through the instance?

Getting a leveling group for an instance is SUPER tough as you’ll be dealing with people leveling alts for the most part and getting people around your level to run it with you is pure luck.

I hope you’re able to find some people around your level to do instances with.

[edit] If all else fails you can use '/who [level range] 'and just start messaging people.

Swith LFG to LFM.

You’ll have three DPS in less than 10 minutes, and then be searching for a tank like most groups.

Having no issues. I ran WC , SM lib/arm, ZF, and ST in the past week on different characters at different times. Join LFG channel and start your own groups if you have to.

If your server is lower population…that may be the issue

yea there is not much to do but raid or pvp the casuals have left and if you cant get rank 10 and dont raid there is nothing for you but to level an alt.

vanilla was always a shallow game.

You can /who your level range and whisper people too from anywhere and just ask if they want to group for a dungeon. It’s how I get AoE BRD going a lot. Say if you’re 48 looking for ZF do a /who 44-54 warrior or any class you need and just ask them if they want to tank/dps/heal for you.

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