Has the hype died?

It’s been dead for some time now. There are people sticking around for BWL and other top-end content but even there we have less and less people available.

Hype died down awhile ago.


It’s most likely your server. Even on my high pop realm most low level dungeons won’t appear in the LFG channel.

For example if you want to do WC, your best bet is to search through barrens general chat. ZF? Look in tanaris. BFD? Ashenvale. Ulda? Badlands. Etc etc.

LFG seems pretty reserved for 60 content now. See the odd low level one appear but it usually fills quick.

My guild remains very, very active to this day on my server and plans on continuing such. We are a bunch of misfits that know how to kill stuff and laugh while doing it. :sunglasses:

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I play on a small server and I don’t have this problem…

Classic is a relaunch of a 15 year old game, the vast majority of people who would want to play it were there on launch. There wont be a constant influx of new people joining as they find out about the game as if it was new, the population has likely already hit its peak and will slowly dwindle over time. Even on my popular realm Incendius I rarely see people looking for low level dungeon groups, and if they are, they are looking for awhile.

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OP You sound like one of the noobs who do nothing but uselessly spam “lfg mara” all day long and praying to the wind that someone sees your message and invites you.

That doesn’t work, often I see people posting “lfg x dungeon” over and over, even though there are multiple posters all already looking for more players for that particular dungeo.

If I’m starting up a dungeon, say I’m doing mara, I don’t care if someone is in channel spamming “lfg mara” I won’t take them.

Well if they can’t even bother to message me how interested can they really be?
If you can’t be bothered even reading lookingforgroup chat to see if anyone else is doing the dungeon your looking for I don’t want you in my group.

Any player spamming LFG will get ignored by me, you obviously have no initiative to find a group or start one, you can’t even be bothered messaging people that would take you.

Tldr; if your just spamming “lfg x dungeon” you’ll never get a group invite.

Be proactive, start your own group, read lfg chat to see if anyone is LFM (looking for more).

Posting LFG x dungeon is possibly the most useless thing you could be doing, and all your doing is indicating to everyone your a useless player looking for a carry, not a group.

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Whats with your name? Nonsense?

Classic has more people playing than Vanilla ever did. The issue is the players are all 60 and classic is not friendly to alt’s. This is a limit to the game we signed up for. Back in vanilla there were more people leveling since more people didnt play 8-16 hours a day 7 days a week. Nor did they even know their spec and most leveled using quests and farming where now its a race lol.

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Low level dungeons aren’t about hype they’re about where everyone is in the progression process.

Have you looked to see if your server has a discord and then asking there for leveling friends? Lots of people have 60s and only play alts when they feel like it, maybe they would feel like it if they knew they could get some dungeon runs with same level people.

Im on remulos too, OP. Serms fine to me but im only playing my 60 ret atm. Im with the guild Blades of Vengeance and we run guild dungeons regularly wednesday nights if i remember. Plenty of ppl leveling alts. We tend to start with low level dubgeons firsr around 730pm.
The server isnt huge like Arugal but it seems pretty healthy.

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I have been saying this for a while. The leveling experience is dead on classic because their is no new growth in the game.

On my server the LFG channel is now a glorified world trade chat of geared level 60s selling full alt group runs to boosted wealthy player’s alts from Deadmines/SFK to Maraudon. Everyone is now leveling mages because they can make the best gold per hour once they hit 60 and then they can pay for this system on their alts.

There are a couple of people that will always tell me to go back to retail but how is classic any different at the moment when you can get the same service just run by players and gold farmers?

It’s so hypocritical; especially, when you can pay to transfer off of servers and have cross realm pvp yet it’s blasphemy for limited cross realm dungeon finder so we can play the lower end dungeons which the established level 60 characters alts don’t want to do and pay to sit in front of a given dungeon and be boosted to a level to start farming BIS.


It’s active but people are either PVPing, or only logging on to raid.

I just came back after being away 3 months. The hype train is over but there are plenty of folks playing. I see them in every zone and the lfg chat channels have lots of activity for just about every single dungeon, all day long. A lot of the folks who just wanted to peek at classic during launch are gone, but the game is a lot livelier than retail, which I’ve been revisiting as well. You want a lonely, repetetive, anti-social experience? Play retail.

if you hover your mouse over a persons name on the forums in the bottom left corner a little white box(at least for windows 10 fire fox browser) it says their name-server like for you it says renki-herod

o snap thanks, you learn something new every day

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all there is to do in an a 15 year old game is raid or rank grind.if you dont raid there is less to do so id say yes.

Yeah game is slowly dying, not much to do at 60 tbh. All you do is raid log

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At some point Classic had a lot but people have clearly left since then. Just look at the lack of queues to get into servers, the empty zones, the lack of people doing dungeons, the guilds folding, and so on.

No one knows the true numbers except Blizzard but anyone with their eyes open can see the numbers are much lower than at the start of Classic.