However, only Halite and you keep a brief conversation, i expected that among the 100 players selected there could be a bigger brainstorm…inputs…ideas around professions, since Blizzard tried to bring life to it via Legendary crafting causing another set of issues during Shadowlands and there’s still a broad space around it, i could see players talking about catchup gear being crafted instead of the current state on which Blizzard adds currencies and random boxes that then fix adding specific items.
This is why Mirasol was wrong from the get go with the assumption that this is not a job. People need to interact with the other council members beyond the supposed discord channel.
New topic, a good one!
World Events are a thing in the vast world in World of Warcraft. However, Many of them are extremely outdated. Several World Events haven’t been updated - (Achievement-Wise) for several expansions now.
For example, Lunar Festival, Hasn’t had any achievements added since Cataclysm. Additionally, There has been no new NPCs added to any zone since Cataclysm as well.
This means that zones such as the ones added in Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, And Shad…
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