Has Sylvanas betrayed the Horde yet?

Meh, only a few times, no biggie.

The clear traitor is obv Saurfang, because he doesn’t like raising the dead.



It’s finally nice to see where the sentiment of rebellion is coming from.

She’s also trying to destroy the entire planet.

Which the Horde requires to exist.

You’re a clever person, DiF. Pretending you haven’t caught the hint does yourself a disservice.


I can’t

Are you trying to give me a headache or something?


I can.


“She’s in terrible pain,” he said, his diamond face, seemingly so hard, furrowing easily into an empathetic wince. Anduin wondered if the rite that had so transformed Magni meant that he could now literally sense Azeroth’s pain. Anduin thought of the destruction of Silithus, of the almost inconceivable size of the sword now towering over the landscape. If Sargeras’s last attempt to destroy Azeroth had come close to succeeding, it was a terrifying thought.

“She needs healin’. An’ that’s what priests do. She made it clear that all must heal her or all will perish.”

“The spirits cry out,” Hamuul was saying. “They died in an effort to protect the land, and now only death inhabits that place. Death and pain. We must not fail our Earth Mother. We must re-create the Cenarion Hold.”

Magni nodded at Baine, accepting the welcome, before he squared his shoulders as he faced Sylvanas. He stabbed a diamond forefinger in her direction. “I did,” he said, “an’ there’s much tae say. First, ye’ve got tae get rid o’ yer little green men. They’re just makin’ a bad thing worse.”

Sylvanas had expected that. “They are investigating the area,” she said, keeping her voice calm and mild.

“Nae, they’re not. They’re pokin’ and proddin’, and Azeroth doesn’t like it. She needs tae heal—or she’s goin’ tae die.”

Hamuul sighed deeply. “It is worse even than I feared,” he said. “We must begin work as soon as we can. High Chieftain, we need all those who have worked with the Alliance before to—”


The warchief’s voice cut off the conversation with the efficiency of a blade lopping off a head.

“Warchief,” Baine said calmly, “we all heard the words of the Speaker. Azeroth is badly wounded. Have we forgotten the lessons of the Cataclysm already?”

Tails swished. Ears were lowered and flicked. The trolls looked down and shook their heads. Oh, yes, they all remembered the Cataclysm.

“Such a thing cannot be permitted to happen a second time.”

I should have done this a long time ago , Sylvanas thought. She rose fluidly and went to the tauren leader. “I have words for your ears only, High Chieftain,” she said, her voice a purr. “Walk with me.”


Yeah, until we find out Azeroth is corrupted and Magni just wants to collect all the blood to power her up into a mega Void Titan or something! Then you’ll all be thanking Sylvanas for making weapons instead!

Well if that ends up being the case, we’ll be sure to thank her.

But it isn’t the case currently.


Apparently you cannot, nothing there even insinuates that Sylvanas is trying to destroy the planet.


Magni straight up informs her that mining Azerite is killing the planet. Sylvanas tells Magni she will stop and then sends Magni through a portal to Desolace. After he leaves, Hamuul is relieved, which she cuts short that they will not be stopping.

And she hasn’t. The mining continues.


are you referring to when Nzoth said “The King of Diamonds has become a pawn”?

That does indeed seem to point towards Magni lying to us and serving the old gods. But even if that is the case… how does Sylvanas know that?

Based on the information Sylvanas is privy to right now, her actions are to the detriment of the horde and the world at large. If she is actually saving the world instead, it is by accident.

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if azeroth is already corrupted, wouldn’t gathering up her corrupted blood to create weapons just spread the influence.


Hey man, if you want me to argue about her betraying Horde morality and values, just say so, then I’ll let someone else try to explain it cuz I’m not really in mood to go back in forth today. Did enough sparring with some guy yesterday and he couldn’t even provide a single decent argument.

Then you shouldn’t really be jumping into this kind of thread.

You mean based on the information we’re privy to as it’s been made clear that Sylvanas has other plans that haven’t been expounded on yet. Tbf though my post was tongue in cheek. Sylvanas has been discussed to death on here in every possible way so sometimes I just like to inject some humor into the conversation to break up the monotony :smiley:

Like “All will serve death. All will serve me.”???


who said you were allowed to be humorous? you gnomes need to learn your place

Well according to most Sylvanas fans, killing Forsaken is refered to as killing Horde troops, such as in the Sairfang quest in 8.0 and the Derek liberation in 8.1.5, so I’m just assuming that the logic applies to their citizenship. Whom were just mostly loyal Forsaken community members and were trying to get back to Sylvanas at the wall only to be filled full of black arrows by their own benefactor with no way to defend themselves.

You asked how she betrayed the Horde, which is what I answered.

Of course she continues mining(and isn’t the only one mind you), but nothing you’ve stated implies that she is trying to destroy the planet.

Go look up the word try, and get back with me.

Sylvanas is trying to destroy the planet is probably the most insane conspiracy I’ve heard. Where does she plan to go when she finally destroys the planet after trying so hard?


Yes, and that was awful. I’m not defending that. It would have been sooooo much better if she had just gone after Calia and the defectors. But I feel like they’re just going to use that as an excuse to have a Lightforged Undead AR. Like they’ll have Calia go lightforge all the of them… which will just piss me off even more.

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