Has M+ gear rewards ruined raiding?

Well, we have rotating dungeons now that address this. And yet…

So, if we got 8 new (as in, completely new, never before seen) M+ dungeons every season, you, what? Would you be happy with that? You wouldn’t, say, take to the forums and rage at Blizzard trying to shove a game mode down players’ throats, a game mode that you claim almost no one enjoys.

Because you keep ignoring arguments from players who disagree with you.

On another thread, I saw you fight with Akston over whether Blizzard would be able to pump out new, non-repeatable content on a consistent, high-frequency basis. (Though as far as I got in that thread, you never actually specified what this frequency would be.) Akston and others clearly pointed out that no developer, and especially not Blizzard, has ever been able to deliver on this fountain of content you keep insisting is possible.

RE: M+ gearing affecting raids, we’ve had several threads over the past few months on this topic, and each and every time, the M+ players, particularly the usual suspects, have agreed that M+ may be too generous with gear and that we’d be perfectly fine with adjustments to M+ and raid gear so that the raiders didn’t feel “forced” to do M+ when they did not want to. Again, this has happened MULTIPLE times on MULTIPLE threads.

And yet:


So, yeah, if you keep ignoring posts, players and arguments that, regardless of whether they agree with you or not, are counter to the quoted narrative about how you feel about M+ players, then, yeah, you’re going to get a lot of players pushing back with the same old, same old points.