Has elitism destroyed Retail?

As a neutral player, I can say I have begun to notice a pattern though, certain people have awarded themselves Lord and Master of others, anyone they deem lesser than themselves is denied, booted, belittled… my opinion is the paid boosting monster was created by them and filled with those seeing a fortune to assist others with nowhere to turn… now they’re mad because the monster is out of the box and loose. and they’re demanding and expecting Blizz put the monster back in the box… actions have consequences… just sayin.


I’d be genuinely surprised if to see how many people can list off the 48 covenant abilities and effects. Even before getting into spec variations and then soulbind changes, what I liked in legion was being aware of the traits on the artifacts and which were preferential to get relics for said traits (plus legos).

Come bfa knowledge base drops by half for half the class specific traits and only knowing like half the VoP abilities. And then now SL kek, yeah no.

Readability of what others have independently of addon is something I feel is lacking these days. Like I really enjoyed seeing priest chakras back when just to know they were doing something specific.

Was intended to be anti-elitist by making people choose a weakness. They just stunk at tuning it close enough.

It didn’t work.

If elitism led to the level theft, yes. Elitism destroyed retail for me at least.

Classis is far more elitist.

No, they thought classic was popular for that reason of “choice” and tried to force this garbage into retail. We see the results.

It’s the playerbase and always have been. Gearscore has been come and gone, the “50 dkp minus” and the whole DKP aspect of things.

We could have the most friendly systems for everyone and people can be meanies. I’ve found the ones that are the biggest meanies are the ones that blame others for their short comings. Like, I mess up. I know I do. I’m human we mess up. Even the folks that do high end raiding know folks mess up. Heck in the MDI there was mess ups too!

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Elitism doesn’t bother me one bit. I do what i want in game, and i ignore any toxic players. I haven’t done too much rated content on this toon yet, but when i do, I’ll be adding more epeens to that list for sure lol.

Don’t sweat toxic pixels, just block em!

And they weren’t entirely wrong either. There’s an expected “meta” to play, and if you fall outside the norm, especially in higher keys, you will most likely get kicked.

What people fail to understand is this elitism, as they call it, has existed since before this game came out. People have been doing this since the inception of the MMO. It’s not really Blizzard’s fault (Or Origin, or SOE, or whatever other company), it’s players. It’s just how humans are. Someone hears that this one thing is the right way to play, and that’s the only acceptable way to play forever.

I feel like the rise of streaming and Twitch “stars” has exacerbated this. I’m really tired of meta-slave gameplay.

I find that the 7-11 bracket is the worst. This is when gear alone can not carry you though mechanics. Players who are stuck here often know something is wrong because they fail keys but they don’t know why, often attributing it to the wrong thing like the healers not being able to heal through one shot abilities. And boy do people not like any advise in this bracket (and this is just a sanguine pools will heal enemies that stand in it so you want to pull them out.) Learning basic mechanics and when and what to kick will often get you through this bracket.

I’ve failed more keys in the 8 range in this last week than I have 15’s for the entire expansion on my main. I’ve also seen more rage than the entire rest of the expansion. The best groups tend to be people who have KSM or better on their mains and are leveling alts, or are farming for a specific item.

Luckily this character is finally out of that key range and I don’t need to go back.

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Well the definitely are tone deaf to their audience, but overall it was a fine idea.

Actual meaningful choice is great for RPGs but Blizz couldn’t execute it well enough and this community is low on caring about RP elements.

There has hardly ever been “meaningful choice” in wow and RP is now a buzzword for people who want the game to be worse, tedious and punishing for no reason.

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What does elitism even mean?

“I cant accomplish this, those who can must be elitist”

Like what lol

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That’s pretty much what it has devolved to, yeah.

And people wonder why everyone is all about min-max.:man_shrugging:

Blizz problem is trying to push that stuff in at this point. Might as well just embrace it’s an action game and develop accordingly.

No thanks.

We’re on that path. Factions don’t mean anything, race/class combos on track to be meaninglessness soon.

There’s more RP in goldshire than the actual game design.

I don’t think that makes it an action game at all.