Has dragonflight been a hit or miss for you?

Somehow I just lost interest doing the storyline on my main way back in p1 and only log in now to do dungeons, pvp, or collections. So I guess the theme of this expansion just wasn’t my thing.

miss. i love dungeons but players and this sonic speed bs made me quit so i did open world, but they scruffed that up and its now just the same pattern every patch so its pointless. professions were what really killed it for me. frankly, nothing for me to enjoy in df. i like dungeons, i like crafting and like open world pve and they failed at every beat for me.

the trading post is nice though. prolly the only thing really good abt this expac. the dragonriding lost is novelty after abt a week so the main ‘thing’ of the expansion is w/e to me lol. i will say the races are kinda fun.


Hit. I hate Shadowlands so immediately after that it could have been tepid and I would have enjoyed it but it’s been much better than average on the bell curve.

Dragonflight is boring. I would rather they try and innovate on the gameplay at least a little bit, but they did nothing at all for DF.

Dragonriding is boring. Was interesting for maybe a few days, but it’s a nothing system. You barely interact with the world, just a few races and dailies. Not even a dragonriding boss attempt.

Talents and tuning have been completely awful across the board, especially for hunters. All they did was rip out every single passive, utility, and survival ability classes had before, and shove them in an awful tree. As I predicted before launch, if Blizzard was having trouble balancing six rows of 3 talents, they would have NO CHANCE at balancing these trees, and that has been objectively true. Nodes and talents are 100% dead, and have not been touched since launch. It’s the exact same as before. You choose single target, M+, or 2-target cleave talents, and that’s it. Awful.

You either play meta, or have to deal with your group literally being 30% weaker. It’s shameful. Certain classes have way too much utility and damage, completely overshadowing other classes in every aspect, and nothing is being done. Augvoker has destroyed M+ for the foreseeable future.

The story is very meh. No one cares about any of these characters, the villains are all one-note. Evil, evil, evil badguy, who mutters a few phrases, and then immune teleports away. This happens to literally every villain in the expac. Throw in a few “YOU MORTALS WILL PERISH” and that’s every boss fight in all the raids, pretty much.

The biggest crime is just there is nothing new this expansion. World Quests that have been reused now, and made more annoying since Legion. M+ and Raiding is fine, but christ, there needs to be more to do. Add something. Torghast was a bummer, but instead of doing anything, they said screw it, and just did NOTHING.

And now, the cherry on top of the crap sundae, they are cutting the expansion short lmao. We get two patches in an expansion now, and they’ll probably raise the next expansion’s price again. You would think after the stinker that was Shadowlands, they’d at least try, but damn, every thing in this expansion has been played so safe, it’s all boring.


Its a solid bunt

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My complaint is the story just doesn’t interest me, and so I have more than twenty alts sitting on their duffs like some useless tauren. “We’re fighting basically shammies again, but now the age of mortals is the age of dragons also?”

I’ve only leveled one character. :dracthyr_shrug:

It’s not amazing but not bad either. The only things I didn’t like was Zaralek and all the currency stuff for gear upgrades. I feel that could have been simplified. I also don’t like the drop rates of titan orbs for some of my enchants. But it’s minor stuff that I don’t see being repeated. Even the currencies will go into our tab next patch.

Disappointing miss.

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It has been a medium.

Hit for me.

Like every expansion, there is is mix of things I like and things I dislike.

But unlike Shadowlands, where I just never really managed to find the fun and slowly burned myself out doing things I tolerated more than I enjoyed, I’ve had a pretty easy time assembling a gameplay loop I enjoy in DF.

Just kind of ok. The best thing it has going for it is simply that it’s not Shadowlands. Dragonriding got old really fast, the world events are one and done, M+ had a brief time of being fun between when Thundering went away and Exodia became a thing, and “very rare” drops make raids a chore.

I went in with a completely open mind untainted by other’s opinion’s and I’ve got to say it’s a miss for me. Worse than Shadowlands. You say the art and music are good but neither of those have captivated me at any point either. It’s funny you mention music because that little spot in Azure Span (not sure what the area is called) with the Tuskarr fishing trainer Nunvuq plays a song that obviously took inspiration from the Grizzly Hills soundtrack, but it’s much much worse than the Grizzly Hills soundtrack and fails to capture the essence of what people liked about the Grizzly Hills soundtrack. It’s basically a metaphor for this entire expansion compared to the history of WoW.


Big miss but no surprise.

I’ve been having fun with Dragonflight.

Things I Like…

  • Dragon riding
  • Achieve hunting
  • Gearing up is pretty fast
  • Visuals are nice
  • Rep gains are faster once one toon completes renown grind

Things I Don’t Like…

  • New crafting system
  • Still huge restrictions on mogging holiday gear
  • Ridiculous amounts of different level mats taking up bag space
  • Rares in new zones are hard to solo because no one does them

Dragonflight is basically “You think you do but you don’t” expansion.

People didn’t want chores in the open world. So Blizz nuked everything about the open world. There is no daily WQ reset. There is no resource to farm for mission tables. There is no callings.

We wanted a good profession system. Instead Blizz gave us a failed work order system and a convoluted know points system. That is heavily time-gated.

I wonder if Blizz using the monkey paw approach to game development.

0/10 expansion dragons everywhere! send halp.

Gameplay wise I think df has been relatively solid. I’m really liking how they switch up the m+ rotation every season and i do like how all the classes i play feel when playing in it. I do feel as though world content has taken a massive hit though and the only thing somewhat getting me to do world stuff is profession things. Story is lukewarm at best and is perhaps my biggest complaint aside from the abomination that is AUGH evokers.

Overall its still a fun game but it has its flaws just as any iteration of it in the past.

Meh. That’s it, it’s just meh.

Very much a hit. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: I’ve been playing a ton lately.

Normally, by this point I’d be exalted in all factions or covenants.

I think, for whatever weird reason, some of them are too long. And I know FR has catch up quests but it hasn’t lasted as long as Korthia nor provided the abundance of players.

I don’t know where everyone went. Even surges are kinda meh now. People are either no lifing harder than ever or these small bumps in content are forcing the point.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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