Has dragonflight been a hit or miss for you?

For me. it’s kinda a miss, but it’s way better than SL. I’ve been playing for about a month and a half, and nothing has really got me interested in it.

Lore is alright. Not the best but not the worst. Tbh it just feels like a filler expac because it lacks any real meaning to the story. I’m probably not going to remember any of the characters or villains.

Class wise- I can only speak for balance druid. I can say, it’s eh. I’m probably going to be switching mains. I’m at the part of the story where you have to kill Raszageth. And I’m struggling tbh. IDK if it’s because i’m new to keybinding (I was a clicker, sue me) or because balance got heavily nerfed. But balance does not feel great and not just from a dps standpoint either. Just feel really squishy. Which is a shame because i was going to go to 10.2 with my druid, getting the sets from both lfr and open world. But it is what it is.

Music and Art are good. I feel like these will always be good. No matter how bad a expac is, we can always depend on the art and music being good.

Dragonriding is okay i guess. At this point, it’s just another flying mechanic.

Everything else is basically what you expect from any other expac

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Kinda like a weak hit for me.


Orders of magnitude better than shadowlands for me. Has some issues but overall I’d have to say it’s been decent.


Been a hit. It got me back into raiding and pushed +20s

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I was hoping something big would rise west of ohn’hara plains, like the fort dragonia from Chrono cross.

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I generally like the side quests. The main quests are kind of meh and I loathe dragonriding*… so more of a miss then hit.

The expansion could hit neutral if I get Shaman to be fully unlocked for all races… but that’s a big if and I’d likely not make it to Dragon Flight do to all the stuff I’d want to do with my new Blood Elf Shaman.

-* yes, people like it. I don’t. You want to be flying race cars go right ahead I prefer my safer single parent approved minivan style of flight. Which I shouldn’t have to jump through hopes to have access to.


Honestly pretty on par with SL

Most of the stuff is super forgettable, the only big woo’s was iridikron, fyrakk, and Sabellian coming back

it’s been fun for me.

I like dragons. I main a dragon. All is well.

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I don’t like how woke it is.


Wildfire Ele Shaman is probably the most fun I’ve had with a spec mechanically other than S2M Spriest pre-gutting, which will never be topped (at least in the context of a raid, its not like that build would have worked in M+, and the game is a lot more M+ centric now).

That aside, yeah, I do not care about Dragonflight.

It’s fine. It’s average. But it’s just so incredibly generic. Dragons have always been on the boring side for me. Not a dinosaur kid. Just feels like an overused fantasy thing, but it’s ALWAYS treated as a huge deal, but they’re just… there.

Content-wise, it’s… exactly what we always get? At least in terms of core endgame progression stuff. We’re missing out on the world content day-to-day grinds this time around, but honestly that’s a good thing. It does leave the game a little barebones again, but I’d rather that than a mandatory braindead grind.

I’d like to see them bring back that sort of side progression in a way that isn’t forcing everyone to do the lowest form of content forever though. It’s good to have stuff to work on that isn’t spam M+ endlessly or wait on lockouts. But if it’s just going to be entry level world content and nothing else, don’t bother. I literally just don’t do that content because its not fun because you barely have to look at the screen.

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Mostly a miss. Weak story, crafting needed a revamp but they went way too far overboard. Dragonflying was OK for a while but it got boring and is pointless make work just to be getting from A to B.


It’s middle of the road for me.

There are way more things to do and pursue which is great. But, I’m a sucker for the story. And I’ve found the story to be pretty benign and uninteresting. I don’t really care about the Dragon Aspects at all and I find light-hearted characters like Chromie absolutely cringey AF. It’s better than SL but that’s not saying much.


For me it’s a massive hit but it’s my first expansion so I’m obviously biased. I love it though, love dracthyrs, love dragonriding, love all the characters, the main story, the zones, the side quests, the everything, I love it all!!!

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Big miss. Dragonriding is good and that’s about it. The dungeons are trash, the talent system sucks, the tuning sucks and the hatred for holy priests sucks. I had a lot more fun in Shadowlands.


I fail to see how DF is woke.

Yes there are some lgbt+ parts, but they aren’t made to be a big deal. Just the casual extra story.

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Just ignore him.

You’re better off…

It’s got the talent system and, even tho i don’t like flying, Dragonriding. That’s it. Everything else about DF is garbage.

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Inside the park homerun. I don’t have to treat the game like a second job to get anywhere.

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Huge miss for me, story feels very bland and Disney like, voice acting just ain’t good, group loot in lfr killed that gearing path for me, crafting is ungodly complicated for no reason, the world events don’t have any soul to them and dragon gliding turned out to really just be as brain dead as normal flying but there’s this weird elitism aspect to it where if you don’t like it people automatically assume you’re just bad. Personally not a huge fan of shadowlands but I think dragon flight feels a lot worse. Oh and the new dracthyr look unbelievably dumb to me I was hoping for a beefy dragon not a salamander.

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Big Miss…I feel like I’m in the Dark Crystal every time I log on ~