Has dragonflight been a hit or miss for you?

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Honestly mixed for me.

The art and music has been good. I also think the story so far makes more sense than last expansion. It’s a positive that I don’t have to spend every free second on the game to achieve what I want for my character. Crafting getting more attention is good too, but I think they went overboard with the complexity for no reason.

The tuning though has been horrible for both classes and encounters. Imbalances and things that are broken go live despite extensive feedback from the community and the issues they create are not fixed promptly. Yes, this has always been an issue in this game but this expansion the issues have been more glaring and serious than usual.

Improvement over SL for me and I really like DR.

That’s my feedback.

Big hit. The last expansion I actually purchased was Mists, although I’ve had an active subscription the whole time. Dragonflight was worth buying and has been very enjoyable.

In my opinion - dragon flight expansion is the worst ever. I would rather play in ANY of the other expansions.

I strongly dislike:

  1. Dragon riding
  2. What they did to professions
  3. All the zones
  4. The NPC’s within the zones
  5. The artwork in many cases looks weird. and unfinished
  6. The quality of this expansion feels rushed and unmanaged

I just dont like the expansion and would never recommend DF , or WOW to anyone.


Mostly a miss.

I was looking forward to crafting being fun and relevant again and it just blows.

First expansion where I won’t max my professions.

I do like dragon riding and m+.


I’m undetermined because I don’t yet know.

If this is a filler xpac to lay the foundation for building things up that will pay off in a major way in the next xpac or two? Then it’s a hit because the foundation being laid is decent.

If this is their best shot and it’s meant to be a full expansion that they put 100% time, energy, resource, effort into? It’s a miss because i’ve never seen so much recycled and reused content before shipped as new in any previous xpac.

For me, it is a huge miss. I have absolutely no interest in the theme of the expansion. My favorite class specializations are in the worst state they have been. I would rather play Shadowlands again.


I dunno. I like it but also at the same time I feel like I’m hitting a different kind of road block than I was in shadowlands max level.

See in shadowlands it felt like hitting max level was like starting from the bottom all over again. You had so much to do, just to get to do max level things. The quests for the maw, the covenants, all those types of things felt like you really were just starting over.

Now dragonflight is better about that, but after you start doing mythics and the raid… it’s over? Like what else to do? You can grind rep again I guess but it’s not very exciting.

I dunno. Either way feels sort of like UGH. The end game isn’t exiting enough to keep me excited to log in, in dragonflight. Even though it is done very well.

Everything end game becomes very meaningless very quickly.

Its been a pretty great expansion so far PvP gearing is super easy and thats the only content I care to do so I’m enjoying Dragonflight.

Hit. Only misses have been Cata and Shadowlands although TBC and Shadowlands were the only time I’ve ever considered seriously quitting.

I’d say it’s a hit because it feels good to play versus SL & before. A hit but could be better.


  • no required artificial power or systems to grind. Yes that added incentive for those who had the time, but I don’t have the time and I don’t want another job lol.
  • Gorgeous music & art as always
  • Dragon riding is the best thing since sliced bread
  • Updated talents! Love the new talent trees
  • Profession overhaul, despite it being a little overkill
  • So much to do! And the things like Sniffenseeking are very fun.


  • The story feels very thin. Almost like they cut content midway through cough
  • Why did Vyranoth become a good guy (gal) in 2 seconds?
  • A handful of the new dungeons are just taking place in locations already available from the open world. Big L.
  • Raids, while fun, have been aesthetically boring. A cave. A dragon facility. And then another dragon facility coming up.
  • Did I mention story? Missing some serious meat in the story. Truly DF’s biggest L.
  • Lots to do without the rewards being cool enough. Mogs from renown and world content are very lackluster.

Weak hit, like a foul ball maybe? I just recently decided to give evoker another chance, and my point still stands that if you don’t enjoy the evoker you will likely not enjoy the expansion.

The story I’m completely checked out on it. I don’t give one single damn what dragons have to say to each other. Dragon-riding is passable with the glyphs but still retarded because I can’t get up or answer the phone while I’m doing it.

I’m ready for 11.0. TL;DR that’s all I got.

It’s fine. I just have had no time to dedicate to anything

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

10.0 was fun
10.0.5 was meh
10.0.7 was cool enough for a small patch

10.1 is the least i have ever enjoyed the game.
A truly awful patch worse than anything shadowlands had to offer.

10.1.5 was really good for a .5 patch

10.1.7 is pretty lame

Honestly it comes down to if 10.2 is fun or not.
If its not a good patch then i will consider the expansion worse than shadowlands. If its fun then its better than shadowlands but overall nothing special.

Miss for me. While getting all the glyphs made it a lot easier in a technical sense, I still don’t like it. I like to zone out or even go /afk when I travel, and this no matter how easy it gets demands that you pay attention to it or get wrecked.

For that reason I’m never going to like it even though I will totally put up with it for the expansion if my only other choice is, shudder, pathfinder.

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For the most part I’m quite happy with it. I love dragon riding. I’m glad to see more inclusive characters and storylines. I love how my lower level characters can get gear drops they can instantly equip at 70 and not be so far behind. Holiday updates and the Trading Post have added some fun.

Downsides would be that although they started going in the right direction, professions just got overly complicated. The devs really need to learn to stop “improving” on systems before they become a mess.

I think I felt more of a personal connection to the story in Shadowlands, but maybe a bit of anonymity isn’t a bad thing.

I’m enjoying it.

Lots of stuff to do with open world and alts. Nothing too pressing so you don’t feel like you have to do EVERYTHING every week. Just a good mix plus with the steady updates, you’re really not doing stuff for 6-months.

Raiding has been pretty good. First tier was probably a little more on the difficult side while this tier probably a bit easier, but it was a good rejoice. Overall just a good balance and makes me look forward to the next tier. My only complaint has been the scale of the bosses. Almost too easy to learn for the first 4, then good challenges, to “what the heck” difficulty for the final bosses. It’s also been my complaint for a while with raiding and the 10-minute bosses.

M+ is well… it’s getting dated. I know it’s the go to thing, but really it’s losing it’s appeal even with the new rotation of dungeons. People are too “uppity” about it. You must follow ever little “pro” strat with not time to experience the dungeon or learn the fights. I’d personally prefer them if they didn’t have a timer and drop the rewards level. That’s just a me opinion though.

Overall, I’m having fun. That’s the key take away. I enjoy when I log in and always get something done.

been a mix for me not to bad but not to great

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Meh I’ve come back here and there and still can’t get myself to play for more than a day or two. Def better than SL and BFA but class identity feels off to me. Leveling is more of a chore than a fun experience. And honestly I’m not a fan of dragon riding. I know it’s an unpopular opinion but I hope it doesn’t become the main method of travel for future expansions across azeroth