Has Blizz even addressed AV yet?

You’re still not getting it. Horde can commit 100% to offense. They have nothing to lose. They got SFGY and SHB for free. They’re already ahead. Alliance commit 100% to defense and all they get is a gy they already owned but no progress. I’m not sure how players can’t understand this.


They are one in the same.
To capture the objective of IBGY ally have to fight off more horde to cap it than horde do to cap SHGY respectively.

Ally curently don’t care at all about objectives. Fighting horde and farming rep turn ins is the only focus.

Like I get there are other factors… You are talking about all the map advantages horde get and I am talking about the battle horde and Alliance have at SHGY.

I think it’s you that’s not understanding.

Again I am talking about the battle and not the map advantages

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Why is this still a discussion? I wish we’d all come to a consensus to not post in any more AV threads. We all know the situation and arguing with people who claim it isn’t a situation is just an exercise in futility.

Your operating under the assumption both sides are fully committed to the fight at SHGY. I’m telling you why that’s rarely the case.

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That is my overall point! Look!

Not saying it’s the only factor but it’s a big contributor

OK, I give up. You seemed open to rational discussion, but I was wrong. You’re ignoring every point I made on why alliance committing 100% to SHGY does not work to resort to “not trying”.

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Playing as Horde way back when , letting the Alliance take Snowfall prevented an Alliance turtle. Which sped up the taking of further objectives.

Pushing IBgy without Snowfall leads to being trapped at Stonehearth then Stormpike.


I believed we were rational but you failed to convince me with your PoV. I’m sorry you feel with way and I hope you know I wasn’t trying to be mean to you


Your first post was about the battle at SHGY , you claimed assaulting SH was the same difficulty as assaulting IB.

This is objectively false.

And I know it’s anecdotal but the only 2 avs i qued this month we held horde at SH for 30-40 minutes. Both turtles at SH ended when someone accidentally let the Druids go and everyone stoped caring since no more turn ins could be made.

IMO we can and do hold SH indefinitely


At this point alliance just need to stop queuing for AV, let the only people posting be horde complaining about their queue times. Eventually maybe they’ll get the message that alliance aren’t going to bother playing if horde are playing scorched earth.

It worked in BC and it can work in classic.


I also said

I strongly believe that if there was a battle at IBGY horde would still win even if we were tunneled to the flag

Yes and this is the fundmental problem. Sure 40 alliance at SHGY can hold it indefinitely. But IBGY can be held by a smaller number of horde against a larger number of alliance meaning that some horde can always attack north. And even if alliance do get through IBGY horde can still slowly pick them off with guerilla tactics forcing alliance to spawn north of SHGY where they are now trapped.


There’s no arguing that the whole ally team is not trying in any pug at any point in classics run of AV.
The difference is 10 ally not participating or being ignorant of how bg works pretty much cancels our chance to win b/c of SF/SH/IB dynamics. 10 horde doing the same can be carried by the other 30.

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When Activision allows blizzard to devote resources to improving a side project, I’m sure they will. At the moment all we have is probably devs in their free time off from working on the new WoW expansion. Classic is being left to rot.

You dont seem to grasp that if the horde fight at SH the alliance will hold till 1 of 2 things happen, either druids go and alliance give up because they no longer gain anything from the BG anymore and the alliance druids die cause they need to run to the middle of the field to summon in the most indefensible spot on the map.

Or the horde summon ivus who conveniently is summoned behind a wall on the horde side of the field…


They don’t get Snowfall for free by design, the Alliance GIVES them Snowfall and then tries to farm them at Stonehearth.

The Alliance needs Snowfall for a workable OFFENCE, they need Stonehearth for a defence. The Alliance cannot win the game with defence.

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Classic is overwhelmingly popular hardly rotting.

The points you are arguing are like saying water is wet when we are discussing soil composition.

40 horde defending IB will defend it against 40 ally indefinitely assuming equal gear / skilled sides.
40 ally will also defend SH indefinitely under similar conditions

Both of these are irrelevant and unrelated to soft to hard capping IB vs SH


Lets make some changes! I would like to see Alliance be able to summon their tree dude