Harley the rescue kitten is now 6 months old!


He’s over by the window attempting to catch bugs lol I need to get some kind of screen or something so I can have the windows open so they don’t jump out.

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“Make sure they are steel screens, strong, at least. I keep my windows closed, because Cats can claw their way out.”


“I knew a woman who put steel mesh on her windows. A Bar Grid, that had holes small enough that the cat’s heads didn’t fit through them. She still had fresh air.”


“I shall devour your soul as you cuddle me!” :smirk_cat:


“I saw the same thing, in that shot. Perfect Halloween Cat.”


I am new to the forum so I have not seen this journey before, but I am now thoroughly invested in this adorable little fuzzy void. Thank you for blessing our eyes and this forum with such an sweet little bean. :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:


Here are the other 2 threads if you want more pictures etc from when I first found him to 8 weeks old to 6 months old. :slight_smile:


I fly to them like the eagles that should’ve flown to Mordor! (I’m kidding, don’t kill me)

Asking me if I want more pictures of cats is like asking me if the sky is blue. The answer is YES! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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hehe well I post kitty pictures everywhere every so often :slight_smile: You’ll see a few floating around. :stuck_out_tongue:

I try to stick them in the megathreads every so often if I remember.


You obviously need to make a hunter and get a kitty pet named Harley. Or make a feral Druid named Harley! He will love watching you play with kitties

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And Harley tshirts

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He went from goth jelly bean to such a widdle gentleman


Omg he did I still can’t believe he was that smoll.


Yeah I remember you were basically reacting with “HES TOO SMOL YOU GUYS”

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Omg yes. I can fire up indesign and 100% do that!

I still see him as my smoll boy funny enough. xD


“One with the sock, and a cropped one, of the yawn, only make it a Halloween Cat hissing.”

“I’ll buy two of each. Hubby will want them too.”

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Your widdle man.

Remember when you said you weren’t sure if your hubby would want him? ( well I think fiance correct? Eh yall act like you’re married already so I hope I’m not crossing any lines here )

You pondered for a nano second the possibility of fostering Harley off once he got big enough. But then you’re just “I fed this widdle baby by hand for so long. He’s my baby. He’s my boy.”


I may draw that sock picture into a cartoon I think that would be a lot of fun.

You’re good and yeah I was just aghast I didn’t know what to do lol


yeah you were obviously all “oh god what do I do what do i do” but then you knocked being a cat parent out the park.

Like seriously. All the constant waking up to bottle feed him. That’s WORK.


That was a trip then also figuring out how to schedule work to bottle feed around him. Thank goodness I work from home otherwise I would be going to a physical job with a kitten LOL