I made a post 2 months ago with Harley the rescue kitten who I found in my driveway.
I nursed him back to health, he is now a big strong kitty, and he is so floofy! He survived and is thriving (and spoiled).
In the two months of myself taking care of the kitten, I got my KSM and Slime cat and I’m now playing wrath classic til DF comes around. I got my Arcanite Ripper in classic and Jam out every so often, and that’s been super fun on an RP realm!
I got a lot of achievements and mounts out of the way as well and Harley now sits on my lap sometimes while I play as my second battle buddy!
Cutie, my other battle buddy, she sits on the desk still and watches me play.
I figured I would give an update with a new thread, with new pictures, and a big update on his progress!
Time to adventure in Azeroth / Northrend with my battle buddies! If you have battle buddies of your own, may you enjoy your adventures together! If you don’t, it’s ok! You go at it solo and have a blast doing it!