To be fair if I were someones boss and they explained they were taking care of a newborn kitten, I’d just let them.
Cuz teeeeeeechnically its maternal / paternal leave lol
To be fair if I were someones boss and they explained they were taking care of a newborn kitten, I’d just let them.
Cuz teeeeeeechnically its maternal / paternal leave lol
Lol right and it’s every 2 to 3 hours so if it’s a 6 hour shift I feed before work lunch and then after then head home.
I’m sure it wouldn’t have been an issue depends where I would have been working.
But hey didn’t have to worry about any of that lol He did have some instances though of wanting more food after feeding him.
He is very food driven still LOL
Yeah I remember the times where you were sleeping for a bit he was just very hangry once it was finally breakfast time lol.
Thankfully when a kitten is hangry its very adorable
I have a dark grey Tiger stripped cat that we got as a really tiny kitten.
Now 2 years old. Weighs about 20 pounds and still growing.
likes to lay on my lap when I am playing.
Lap kitties are amazing kitties! Harley is like that and sits on my lap lol
Cutie I try but it doesn’t always work lol
Aww does he have rage timer? You are fifteen minutes late with kibbles kitty hangy!!
Gotta admit I’ve been in wow since nilla and this is by far the greatest thread I have seen to date!
Na he is pretty good on food / begging. His thing now is shoving socks / toys in his water dish which then creates a mess.
He is a big water drinker. I had to get one of those fancy little fountains cause he kept wanting to drink out of the faucet and not the water dispenser jug lol
But now they both drink out of it and are happy. Cutie doesn’t knock it over either so that’s good.
If he piddles randomly he’s got himself a little bladder infection common with male kitties. Gonna have to get a priest to dispel him
Sorry was asleep. Yeah so far he isn’t doing that. He just has a thing for shoving toys / socks in the water dish thing xD haha
Guess they smell more when wet so he likes it lol
I think it’s along the lines of he kills the sock and leaves it for the water dish.
Idk he lays socks on me too lol
We had a dachshund / cocker spaniel / toy poodle mutt ( they ended up living with grandma when we moved ) that also loved extra stinky socks lol
Oh he’s starting to do it with all socks now not just dirty ones xD haha
I had a cat for fifteen years named Sneak he was the best friend ever. Just an amazing little guy
haha hey that fox looks similiar to fuzz xD haha
I belong to about four different cat Facebook groups lol I love cat videos they are hilarious. Especially when they chase bears and do crazy stuff like that
So folks flagged this.
Great. Dunno who is doing it but seriously. It’s a continuation and i didn’t want to necro an old thread. I also outlined my wow goals and asked about others pets etc.
Because people love to suck the life out of anything
It is wow related too since he is assisting me while playing and i asked about other peoples pets that played with them which some folks shared.
Dunno guess we will see.