Harika the Horrid unkillable

used my covenant thing to allow me to kill extra rares in the realm of Revendreth.

The rare i got was Harika the Horrid. To start the daily i have to talk to the troll Wingsmash and give him a pike which he uses to shoot the bat down to start the fight.

issue is, hes not reset from who ever did it last. He broke the crossbow and is standing at the end of the hill. and wont go back. i didnt even get the chance to do it.


I also just completed the Anima Conductor in Revendreth and its also bugged here. Seriously Blizz wtf are you guys doing?!


The same happens to me today, I wonder if blizz will do something quickly.


Yeah currently broken for me as well. Harika and Wingsmash are fighting way off to the side stuck in a building, but Harika is un-attackable. Cannot interact with Wingsmash, there’s no bolt. Hopefully they get reset by end of day, waste of my conductor…


My quest is bugged as well. Harika and Wingsmash are near the cliff, there isn’t a crossbow or bolt, and I can’t do anything to start the battle.


Really did a great job on this expansion. Find a new bug everyday. A new reason to quit this garbage again. I shoulda learned my lesson with Draenor and stayed away. It of course is bugged out on Illidan today. Don’t expect Activision to answer us here. This is a money game for them and they don’t care about customer service. PLAY TEST THE STUFF BEFORE YOU RELEASE IT!


Bugged for me as well. They are just attacking each other on a hill and we cannot interact

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Bugged for me as well on Illidan, the bat is unable to be hit and the bastille is in pieces.

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yea its bugged for me also im on arthas warmode off

Today as well. I brought the bolt over and now Wingsmash is just staring at harika not doing anything. How do we get this fixed?

Bugged on shandris as well, can’t interact at all, just standing here like an idiot, bolt in bag.

Bugged for me 29/11/2020 : ST: 5:37PM
Standing at the end waving his arms no quest.

Sry, on my warrior not warlock :\

I channeled the anima, found the bolt, but i can’t talk to Wingsmash.

Having the same issue today.

Having the same issue today

Same issue. I was able to get the bolt and even the tools, but there is no way to interact with wingsmash or the dredge to start the rare

Bugged for me. Showed up to get the quest, came back and wasn’t able to turn in the arrow, but they were already fighting. However the bat sucked me and the giant off the cliff. Came back and now the giant is just standing by the cliff. :face_with_head_bandage:

Had this happen to me as well. From my experience when I arrived Harkia was already summoned and somehow had Wingsmash up against the cliff. I tried to pull aggro but I was on my rogue. Harkia knocked Wingsmash off the cliff where he floated up wards a few times before despawning which caused the encounter to reset from the point after Harkia destroys the ballista but can no longer be summoned again. I think an ideal fix would be to make Wingsmash immune to knock back and have the encounter start from scratch before the ballista is destroyed.

Could not start / complete this quest 2 days ago (11/27) … tried again today (11/29) and still cannot start it. Have the tools and the bolt in my inventory and there is no one to hand them off to.