looking for some good people! would love a resto shaman
still would love a resto sham
definitely would love a good rshaman.
high prio on a good RSham! still need a few dps too
still very high prio on a resto shaman! wouldn’t mind a really good WW as well.
still looking for a few!
still looking for a few more people
Bumping for warrior
still looking to add more to the roster.
still looking for a few to add!
Looking for more still! WTB arms warr
bumping for dps
still looking for some more people. wtb warrior.
WTB warrior plz
Looking for a good try pally w/ holy OS
bumpin for dps
Bumping for more dps
bumpin for a few dps and healers!
still looking for some people!
bumpin for a few dps