Hardcore unstuck bug

To describe this as an issue is an understatement, i have been playing hardcore classic on my character with 70 hours worth of game time on it, when i got stuck and couldn’t get out, my hearthstone was also on cooldown so i decided to use the unstuck feature on the blizzard website, it told me to log out and it would move me to a safe location and then i can log back in and continue, but to my surprise when i logged back in i have been teleported into max lvl alliance guards into some cave and instantly died. i understand that when a hardcore character dies thats the end of it, but when ive spent so much of my spare time on this game just for it to end like this is heartbreaking. As the so called safe location it put me in is undoubtedly misleading.

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BUGGER there’s a warning thread about it somewhere in the Forums. It should be pinned to the top!


Link here: Blizzard Support "Character Stuck" Ported to Horde Elites


By safe they mean for non HC characters, remember this was all done 20+ years ago, and this is all done outside of the game. Also I never noticed previously, but when you go thru the functionality it does have the following warning:

Note: The closest graveyard might not be appropriate for your faction or current level.

So exactly where did you port from, and where did you end up? It does help if you can include the exact zones and the rough areas so other people can know to avoid this in the future, as it always takes you to a static location based on where you use the functionality. I honestly can’t think of any Alliance caves with high level guards, other then maybe the Alterac Valley Camp in the Alterac Mountains.

I previously was only aware of a single place that unstuck was safe to use, as it is unsafe to use it in the hinterlands as Alliance, since it takes you to a GY and in that case a horde GY in the Arathi Highlands right outside of Hammerfall

Do report it, but also in the future if you need to use this, prior to using unstuck, especially in higher level zones, always test it on a non HC character. The unstuck feature is NOT based on complete zones, and will always send you to the same “safe” location. That said, always test from a location as close to where your HC character is as is possible.

By the way, I retested using the Unstuck functionality in the Hinterlands as Alliance, it still dumps you in Arathi Highlands in Hammerfall, so you will end up very dead.

EDIT: Corrected information to identify its not based on the entire zone but based on a grid, as well as to identify that the issue in the Hinterlands was not fixed.

Compare to this map: https://i.imgur.com/0S5G3gt.jpeg

It is NOT based on whole zones.

Hmm maybe I didn’t ride far enough, I thought I was in the same place I tested previously, I will test it again.

So retested on the hinterlands from inside the cave, where the previous issue was identified, did take a bit longer since I forgot you can only use the functionality once every three hours on the same char. Fortunately I have a few 60’s hanging with nothing to do, but it’s a long ways even with epic riding after having to fly there also.

So result is disappointing as porting in that area in the hinterlands was not fixed, and I ended up very dead :frowning:

I will remove any bad information from my previous post. Thanks Vanillataur of reminding me that it wasn’t full zone.

A sticky post with things to be aware of like bad stuck locations would be nice, especially if it was moderated to keep limit to only key information so you didn’t have to dig thru several hundred posts.


I have a feeling you were abusing this mechanic and got karma lots of noobs are doing that to roach out

It literally warns you about this when using the tool.

You have to get a warlock summon on hc