Hardcore Protection

Just dont play Hardcore. Especially any hardcore online service games like wow. Single Player games, yeah sure go nuts but online you’re just asking for crap like this to eventually happen to ya.

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What a stupid coment. Nobody is forcing you to play nothing, dumbass. Ddos have nothing with the game dificulty.

Uninterruptible power supplies are your friend. Keep your modem, one display, and machine connected to a good one, and it’ll give you enough time to get safe and log out in that event. Make sure to test regularly. The battery cells do wear out. Good manufacturers sell replacements.

Yea man, everyone gunna run out a buy a power supply for their wow hardcore

Should have one for a gaming PC in general, not just WoW hardcore. Power in the States is horrendously inconsistent and spikes a lot. Depending on your power supply, a UPS could make the difference between your PC not even noticing or it giving up the magic blue smoke.

i thought this was gonna be a Trojan joke thread

SP/local games can be hacked or modded.

games like this can’t. which some seem to care (a bit too much) about. they’d argue for days about trainers and file hacks lol.

See I am jaded here. This game already had its first HC raid clears. In tbcc days. Nothing about mod add on start to the HC fad made this easier.

Hell it made it harder. It had some real interesting achievements. But all the anti mod types said but its not blizzard made!

Now they have blizzard made. They got what they asked for. You see for the modded HC start to this years ago its main organizers would have overturned the death days ago.

Anti modders got exactly what they wanted. an official blizzard hc server, with official blizzard rules. One of those rules, no roll back. They were better off with the fan-based project really.

No, but someone randomly getting a lag spike and dying wouldn’t get the same sort of leeway

why should a bunch of streamer who had made 1000s from this + their fake drama incidents to drive engagement get any

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Griefing in general- breaking in-game rules to enable gameplay that isn’t normally allowed- should not be allowed regardless of method, but griefing that involves IRL interaction should flatly not be allowed and it’s wild I even have to say this.

Or at least there should be some sort of ‘consolation prize’ like an XP buff for a new character that dramatically speeds up the leveling process.

IIRC Blizzard doesn’t even host their own servers any more, it’s AWS or Microsoft Azure.

But more to the point, there’s no way to actually prevent a DDOS attack. At best you can quietly migrate existing servers to fresh IP’s while converting the existing addresses into- functionally- a honey pot for the DDOS to harass but live-transferring servers like that takes time and still induces lag.

All public facing IP addresses accept ping commands. That’s by default because of how the internet is set up. The problem with this is that it is theoretically possible to flood an address with ping requests, there by overloading it.

Unless you possess a time machine, the only fix would involve overhauling the entire internet.

I already clarified that what I meant was is that I don’t think Blizzard will do a thing about it, not that I don’t think they should.

This is an inherent problem with the HC mode in itself.

Any sort of disruption of service turns the HC mode into a joke.

HC has always been a niche mode, the larger player base doesn’t care.

Just because streamers play doesn’t mean the majority care.

Loud niche minority ≠ casual overall majority.

Same thing we see on social media, the loudest voices are always the most annoying voices that pretend as if they represent the majority. They don’t.



Playing this game normal when the ping is red, not good idea. Or you jsut accept death is coming.

I’ve done a few BG’s something is killing ping. I stay. Since its not end of the world. I can die to lag. I can see a demo warp 50 feet in 1 second as server tick catches up. I can see my casts come 8 seconds later.

Either I get win honor or loss honor, all good there.

Playing this game when ping is red HC mode, is really not a good idea. I’ve done HC. 500 ping in crap questing in say westfall can be deadly lol. raid, even more so.

I respect you asking questions to learn, but if any of us spill too much info on a forum Blizzard is not going to be happy with us. I suggest learning else where

Basically. Worlds first HC clears were years ago to add to less care. Even for normal mode play many don’t go wow, look at them go!

welcome to anniv. We were the first to clear MC or BWL!

They are 5th. OG, 2019 (some now era 4 life holdouts), som, sod, anniv.
I’d be removing pserver clears, but they are “seasonal” and do wipes and restarts though.

HC first was around tbcc. with the mod setup. I hear tale of really unplanned and rag tag “ironman” in OG days as well. No way to track that maybe.

See i am jaded. I forget the crew’s name. they killed onyxia with the chars not wearing armour at all. Naked boss kill run. They actually found a new world first to claim in 2019 redo (now era era).

Ok so if you have a front end server accepting requests which sends connections to a mid level game server, and the front end gets overwhelmed, can’t it just stop sending connections to the server running the game?

At least then the people already running the game could continue playing.

Things of this scale and magnitude lag the entire server infrastructure. It starts as a small flow of legitmate traffic, and then it ramps up and by the time it becomes obvious this isn’t legitimate traffic, it is too late. The companies do fight back, which is why the DDOS attacks only last about half an hour. Its very comparable to a pileup on the highway.

The people in the game require a connection to that external server in order to play the game, which is why everyone lags out. You aren’t transported to the Blizzard servers to play the game. You are connected to it through a large server infrastructure that has a single point of failure.

If the next question is “Why do they have a single point of failure? Why wouldnt they have multiple servers?” The cost to have something like that which is redundant 99.9% of the time is just silly, not to mention that the people who orchestrate these DDOS attacks would just hit all of the points of failure at once.

I imagine they are connecting through BSD Sockets. Couldn’t they move the socket listener process onto a front end? It could then send requests to the middle level game server which would start a process for the connection then contact the client directly which I understand is how BSD socket support works.

Then if the front end got overwhelmed it would crash but the game server would continue communicating with the client directly. People playing the game would keep playing.

cocks his head to the side like Kane in 1998

Look at that, I was right. Blizzard themselves said the attack was aimed at disrupting HC.

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ddos is not like other players. It’s random, with no counterplay. Deaths due to Blizz technical issues shouldn’t count imho.

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