Why do the HC players think abusing pathing exploits, and evade spots think it’s acceptable? They claim “It’s part of the game”. But, they’re against running a dungeon more than once during a run, and have anti-social rules. Being social and running multiple dungeons is part of the game, too. Then they get very defensive and tell me to shut up and go away, when I bring this up.
Very inconsistent, you guys are.
The rules don’t make sense, so I challenge them. No legitimate reasons are given, only hostility for asking.
So you’re giga cringe posting in world chat and people are telling you to stop. Now you’re here.
You’re doing exactly what others do. Instead of discussing it, using valid points for your reasoning to use exploits, you try to belittle and insult. Instead of being hostile, why not have a civil discussion, and explain when someone’s asking about things?
Bro if you don’t like hc rules play your own way lmao
This isn’t about me liking the rules, or going off doing my own thing. This is about “why do you guys use exploits, and think it’s ok?” This isn’t an attack on using them, it’s legitimate asking. Trying to understand the reason behind why it’s collectively ok to do so.
From my understanding pathing exploits and safespots make the game easier. This is the same logic as why there’s only 1 dungeon of each type per run up to level 60. Why not allow multiple dungeon runs of the same type?
Cool story bro so what do you expect to gain from this
Can you provide us with proof of a blue specifically stating that clever use of game mechanics in the way of mob pathing & reset spots is in fact exploiting? Because I don’t believe you.
I expect to gain insight, and understanding of someone who I disagree with. To see the perspective of someone else.
They think it’s ok cause they do it. Now that?
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I believe when I was looking at their discord when deciding if I wanted to try it or not (I did try it but it isn’t exactly for me), they mentioned that they were trying to create a ruleset where they could try to combat certain things like power leveling in dungeons, being traded higher level armor, gold, etc. Keep in mind this is a group of wow players that came together to create a ruleset they thought a portion of the population would play by. They didn’t create this for the masses. They created it for anyone that might want to play the game their way. It doesn’t mean you have to play by their rules. It doesn’t even mean you can’t make up your own rules to follow. They just have their rules for people that play with them. If you don’t want to play by their rules, they aren’t going to force you to. I dabbled for a few weeks with it and decided it wasn’t for me and moved on. But just because I don’t agree with their ruleset doesn’t make it wrong.
If there was a movement that no one can group and you can only kill beasts with skinning knives all the way to max level and there were 48349324984398 people that decided they wanted to play that way, then they can play the way they want. Just because something doesn’t make sense to you doesn’t mean other people don’t mind doing it. Just go play a different way. Instead of trying to attack people for playing the game different than you, just play it different. I didn’t enjoy the speed raiding of classic. It doesn’t mean it was wrong for others to play the game that way. Just because I don’t understand how other people could enjoy it doesn’t mean that other people didn’t enjoy it.
If you’re hoping to gain insight then hopefully you can step back and see that other people might enjoy something different that you, even if you don’t. And if you can’t, hopefully you can at least understand that sometimes you aren’t going to understand.
Lastly, if you think there is an exploit that is being used, create a ticket and report it. If there is an issue they care to fix they will. Otherwise they won’t.
I’m well aware I can play however I want. That’s only the case in that reguards.
This has never been an attack on them, for playing how they want.
I’m currently enjoying playing with the said ruleset.
What I don’t understand is why the ease of exploiting pathing bugs and evade spots is acceptable, but not more than 1 dungeon, with the common ruleset people follow. The exploits make the game easy, in the same way having more gear from multiple dungeon runs is easy. The only thing I saw in there, was the mention of being boosted. But, the limit to dungeons is based on the summoning stone requirements, which negates this.
I hear you. All I can say, without seeing the history of why they made each rule, is this started a personal challenge. They have a ruleset they follow. Without some history from the people that initially started the rules, all we have are assumptions of why they do or don’t want multiple dungeons. And if we have to start with assumptions, we are not ever going to get definitive answers. Everyone will have their own opinions but without more it is, unfortunately, going to just be some theory.
I would say to post your questions in the discord where the founders created the ruleset. Posting on official forums and asking why people created a ruleset or using suppositions and coming to a “definitive answer” is just illogical.
I have posted about the evade spots and the 1 dungeon rule. But, all people do is respond with either hostility or tell me to get out. Like gatekeepers.
I’m probably going to just modify the addon files to run multiple dungeons anyways.
Something about streamers and their communities attract the most mentally ill players.
Please understand that the “HC Community” is not an official community. They are private group that have their rules for being in their guilds.
That’s is really all there is to it. It is no different than top guilds requiring full consumes, buffs, enchants, etc. to join their groups or RP guilds requiring RP based names.
People are always free to start their own separate communities to coexist with the streamer created one.
They are hardcore except when it comes to being good.
They just handicap themselves and then figure out all the ways to cheat the handicaps.
It’s so lame.