Hardcore Offical: Pros & Cons

lol. It’s very easy to die in Vanilla. Bots won’t make it very far.


It’s easy to not die too.

Because this is thread about pros and cons of possible rules once blizzard actually makes this a thing?

“invite plz”

“Sorry, can’t invite. Hardcore mode. but you can help me killing outside the group tho, sucker!”

I’m not surprised that you reduced social interaction to guild chat flood GG and Fs…

I’m for a server if you don’t understand that.

if you kill mobs u over level its hard to die. bots will likely mass raw gold farm.

The point of this topic isn’t about the hardcore discord community vs official hardcore servers. It’s entire purpose is to discuss the pros and cons to a traditional (you die, you delete) vs the addon rules for an official hc server.

It’s so we can openly see, with facts not opinions, the pros and cons of each type of official server. The discord community can still play their way on an offical hc server, that only has the death rule, by using their addon. While allowing people who don’t want to use the addon the freedom to play normally with the death rule.


No they can’t. That’s also breaking the rules.

Same. I just think I should be able to group and trade freely with friends I make along the way because this is an MMORPG and thats how those things usually work.

I doubt blizzard is going to code in ways to detect group forming and turn off the AH/trades.

Sorry person whos company I enjoy and met in game. I’m not allowed to group with you even though we are on the same quest because then the bots win!

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I do too.

Unfortunately Blizzard is not good at policing bots or people who cheat. So without restrictions we can all but assume people are abusing systems.

bots will have a much harder time on a death=delete server
i’m actually interested to see how it works out


Funny you think I would lose a tag to you.

They would.

But the gold they make would be that much more valuable too.

QF absolute T.

Who said about losing a tag?

Did you just get lost in your own trail of conversations?

will they? 1 level 60 bot farming mass amounts of level 35 mobs for raw gold seems like a low potential to die. idk maybe im wrong

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Why are you dying if someone kills your mob?

Again so what?

You are trying to force restrictions on players who wouldnt because of a few bad apples. That is what people dont like about this.

120,000 Death Knights.

We all know that’s not all of them either.