Hardcore Feign Death: I've been griefed by Blizzard

Tonight I found out in the most infuriating way that Feign Death will actually kill you if you let it go the full 6 minutes. My level 42 hunter died in Stormwind because I had no idea I was in any danger. The text says nothing about it really killing you, and it’s not intuitive whatsoever. I assumed I would just stand up again when the time ran out. Nothing would make a person think that this will actually be dangerous. What other abilities should I have expected to kill me without warning? Should I have expected one of my own arrows to randomly one-shot me? I’m supposed to be able to trust that the game isn’t going to grief me out of nowhere like that. This is Hardcore we’re talking about. In Vanilla things were rough. I understand that. You die from Feign Death, you run back to your corpse and rez, lesson learned. But I lost a character that I’d spent over 6 days of /played time on. I was taking my time and being so careful. Then I get the rug yanked out from under me by the game itself. Someone made the decision to not include that information in the text. Then someone made the decision to not update it for Hardcore, or even inform us in any way that it was lethal. I sincerely thought Blizzard had more concern for their players than this. How can you not give a warning of some kind? I understand that you guys are not going to recode anything. But you did take the time to add a little plaque with the Hardcore rules before character creation. So you did have the budget and the time to add something. Why couldn’t you have included in that text a hyperlink at the bottom that says click here for some really important things to know. Bubble-Hearth doesn’t work. Feign Death will kill you. Things like that? I expect that Blizzard’s intention is for my gaming experience to be positive. That’s why griefing is not tolerated. Griefing is defined as “ruining the gaming experience of another player, either involuntarily or on purpose”. That’s exactly what Blizzard did to me by not letting me know that I would die from using one of my own abilities. I trusted that I was safe and I got trolled. Now I’ve completely lost confidence in Blizzard and I’m so disappointed and hurt. I did not deserve to lose that character.

I didn’t know this was a thing either…


That sucks man

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Really tough. I also only learned recently (been maining a Hunter part time since Vanilla even). Someone complained about being just dead inside a capital, and one of the answers said something like: “Maybe you accidentally hit Feign Death, and let it run out, which will kill you.” If not for that one post, I’d have been dead at 42 as well.
A warning in the flavour text would have been SO nice!

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It’s been this way since Vanilla. Sorry you weren’t aware of that. I agree, there needs to be a note of it in the spell book. Wonder if we can still kill a warlock character off with life tap… gonna have to check that out (on a non HC char).


You can.

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You died so i dont have to. Good trade.

it’s common sense
you can’t just lie there with your heart stopped forever :expressionless:

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You can’t die to life tap as a warlock but hellfire can kill you.


Will it do it on retail ?

No idea, I dont play there. Check it out and let us know! :slightly_smiling_face:

Iirc, there was a time when you could.

Nah, I’d rather see you post passive aggressive stuff about how classic was.


You seem angry. Mad cow perhaps?
Jokes aside, what did I say to cause you to do the passive aggressive thing?

More like I see a troll and I’m calling it out. :joy:

You’re clearly doing it for attention so grats?

Annnnd, ignored. Day is looking better already. :+1:t4:

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Feign Death is not a fail-safe way to AFK indefinitely.

It was changed in WoTLK because reasons.

You can’t life tap to death in Classic, you just get a “fizzled” error. I’ve never tested this in HC, but I’ve never been able to kill myself with life tap ever.

However, there was that one time in HSoO Paragons progression where I used cauterize master from the imp and absolutely killed myself with it.

As far as FD death goes in Classic…yup. That’s the way it goes, just a dumb feature of the way the spell worked in old school WoW. HC Addon guys actually would accept that appeal though.

KK, I gotta test my source (friend) once again. He said he could. I don’t play Warlock.
This just goes to show that trusting is good, but checking out is better :slight_smile:

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no it was only a vanilla thing

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It might have been doable in vanilla on launch, but Classic has always run on last patch so if it ever was doable it must have been changed at some point. I tested it in SOD last night and still got the fizzle error.

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I read about the feign death thing in the tips for hardcore blue post before hardcore servers even opened. That might have been a good thing to glance at.

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