Hard Mode Leveling

For a spice to leveling, I think having a option at Chromie to increase mob dmg taken by 50% and mob dmg done lessened by 50% would be a enjoyable experience to those who choose to opt in.


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Play classic.

Leveling needs to go faster, not slower.

Would sticking to white and some green drops satisfy that condition?

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Just level while only using gear that drops from mobs

No doing dungeons, no wearing quest rewards, no buying gear from vendor


I think I can see what they meant, but am I the only one who interpreted the OP’s message as asking for mobs to TAKE more damage and DEAL less?


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Genuinely, if it’s an additional toggle option, I don’t see the reason why not. I wouldn’t use it, but it gives another niche of players a way to enjoy the game their way. Arguing against it as a toggle option, imo, feels as bad as saying we shouldn’t have the option to level fast if that’s the way we want to play our alts. If the option doesn’t hurt another playerbase, and it actively makes another happy at the same time, it’s a good option imo.

I would absolutely love this. It would be easy to impliment to. Even Lotro has a version of this and they have like 2 employees

I think just raising the bar by 50% accross the board is not the way to do it.

As someone who has played with exp locked at various levels to stay in chromie time.

The bugs. The bugs is why. There are still so many mobs especially in cata, wrath, bc, and MoP that do no scale correctly with increased modifiers and just one shot you.

So unless they really take their time and add a new leveling mode and fix the bugs it’s not worth it.

gear has almost no effect on leveling. The difference between being naked and geared with proper level items is like 25%

Yup. The way its worded is “make wow easier!”

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you can do this yourself by just taking off some of your gear :slight_smile:

Warlords is pretty much what you want if you go in there from scratch without heirlooms. Can’t think of a time I was able to get past the garrison part with how hard it was.

Maybe try the challenge then

You’ll be surprised

Using nothing but grey and white gear.

No healing in combat allowed.


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This is why Im not screaming for solo content to drop mythic gear, lol.
I like stuff to take a few hits before it dies.

455 ilvl is WAY too much for the content I play.

lol…and put those looms back on…bet that’ll fix some of it.

Naw. No looms. Looms have stats. Stats are bad :slight_smile:

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Masochism mode leveling.