Hard Mode Leveling

lol…naked it is. :joy::+1:

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Gotta love how almost every response to the idea is the equivalent of, “Just play with one hand tied behind your back.”

The onus for making leveling more interesting for those who enjoy it shouldn’t be on the player any more than it should be for raiding, mythics, pet battles, etc. If “Take off gear” isn’t an acceptable answer to make endgame activities more challenging, it shouldn’t be for leveling either.

It would something more like special transmog and mounts you could earn in the world and in dungeons by leveling that way. That would lure people into the game mode otherwise you’d be playing alone. More than you already are when leveling.

Take off your gear. Done.

Whenever someone asks for hard mode leveling, what they’re not saying is that they want to be rewarded with faster leveling and better rewards.

Thank you for the unnecessary reiteration.

Play the game with out mods, there is your hard mode.