Hard Core PVP Servers

I would like this for HC WoW pvp servers:

  • No rules that limit the sociability and community of the game, that is, you can use everything like AH, mail, trade, but if you die you can’t revive (with certain exceptions). These HC Community rules are fine for those who choose it as a challenge, but in a standard way it would turn the game into a singleplayer game.
  • If you die, that you have the possibility to loot your old equipment with another character of the same level, and that it can only be done by reaching the place where your previous character died. This also makes some sense of significance and progression to get equipment, and encourages you to restart in case you have died.
  • In case you get ganked by a skull player, or red level above you, you can resurrect, but in a limited way, if you die again in the next 10 minutes, your character dies forever. This is to give you another chance in the face of some gross injustice (I would call it mercy or divine mercy from daddy blizzard), but it keeps the risk and danger of the HC WoW world, which is what many of us are looking for.
  • Last but not least: it would give the possibility for players who die to clone or transfer their dead characters to the new fresh servers of classic era or SOM, which of course we also deserve.

What do you think?


No exceptions.
Appeals aren’t hardcore to me. Including death by ganking by a player many, many levels apart from you.
Nothing carries forward including money or gear. You get buried with it.

Sure you can request it but it’s not really a deserves or required kind of thing.

edit to add that liking your own post is so boomer, OP


I think that resurrect spells should be allowed in pvp realms.
-Res spells could be used so long as the spirit has not released from the body. This will cause moments of stress and a hectic atmosphere for feudal fights to break out attempting to rescue someone before the auto release timer expires.
-This also give more incentive to roll healers so there won’t be a drought.

I think trading from person to person and AH should be allowed.
-Trading encourages interaction, and this is an MMORPG.


Hmmm, rogues… XD

Hardcore PvP server would be DOA.

It actually wouldn’t, there is a huge surge in demand, and the Hardcore servers are surging.

They are part of the reason for this recent up tick in server population and Blizzard would do well to supplement.


Lol hc on a pvp realm. You all smokin rack


I think D2R is on sale and has a HC option.

I like this idea a lot, but maybe as time goes on your corpse begins rot limiting how much you can loot off your body. Even if you get to the body asap I wouldn’t allow the player to loot everything.

I agree on this as well, I know for a fact that if they made HC PVP servers max level degenerates will run around STV to grief lvl 20s and 30s. Being perma killed by a skull player should never be a thing.

That works

One last thing I think would be cool is if say you killed someone on the opposite faction you should be able to loot some of their stuff off them.

Tbh at the end of the day I only trust in blizzard to make a giga chad 2016 classic release with perma death. Nothing more, nothing less. HC pvp realms are a pipe dream as much as I’d personally enjoy them.

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Hardcore PvP servers are DoA.

The no lifer rogue / mage who is going to play 22+ hours per day is going to dominate the server in the first week. There are people who hit week 1 60. Those people will camp the low level zones and no one will be allowed to make it to end game.

The fastest levels of either Horde or Alliance will own the server, and it will become a 1 faction server. Then there wont be any PvP.

Hardcore PvP will exist on a Normal or RP server whatever Blizzard wants to designate the Hardcore server to be. You can Flag and engage in Hardcore PvP. But a server that has PvP always turned on for contested zones will become a 1 faction server.

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Not necessarily. While there will be such players, their characters will eventually die as well, it will be more difficult for one faction’s supremacy in the realm as characters actually die. And well, in case there are more players of one faction than another, for me it is interesting and challenging to try to reach 60 without being hunted, to manage with friends to face the other faction even if there are more of them. In fact what we really want is that, that’s why we hope there will be PvP and PvE servers, if you don’t like that idea you can play in PvE server :wink:

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Ever read the Diablo 3 forums? You get hardcore cryhards creating threads about how server lag killed them and Blizzard should undo it.

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One faction will dominate and not allow the other faction to level, and it will become a PvE server.

It is inevitable.

Hardcore is a passing fad. Give it another year and it’ll die off. Again.


It’s nice folks are having fun but I just keep thinking they picked the wrong MMORPG if they want hardcore.

lol spoken like a true carebear. You can’t call anything on a pve server hardcore.

Will stay on classic era. Without pvp wow doesnt make sense to me.

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Which one would be better? FF, SWTOR, GW, … ?
WoW is a sandbox, there are many ways to play it. Is capping my character at 30 and just roleplaying with it the wrong way to play this game too?

You just lack the ability to look ahead and see reality.

It becomes a 1 faction game. One faction will dominate and not allow the other to level new characters.

That lvl 60 undead rogue or human rogue is going to be waiting for you at the entrance to the contested zone as soon as you step foot in it, you’re dead.

Mak’Gora is a way better PvP system for Hardcore than a PvP server.

This is interesting to me. If somehow a faction managed to get the leg up on another faction, could they actually prevent anyone from getting out of the starting zone? I almost want to roll a level 1 now and see if there are any secret ways to get out and to the capital city. Once I am out of the starting zone there are ways you could level…you could level entirely underwater as a warlock once you get underwater breathing. Very unlikely you would ever get ganked underwater.

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