Happy Vault Day Friends

What do you hope to recieve in your vault today


Expect to be disappointed like a sad sardine on a pizza pie

Anything to replace my below 200s but i’ll probably just get boots \o/


And very good luck to you ma’am. If your fears do come to pass and receive some boots, hopefully they are better stats for you.


I expect to get rubbish.

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Here’s some Eagles for no apparent reason.

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I hear they will be releasing the sword of crystallized tears this week?

On hit this weapon weeps with tears of fallen nerds…

I have a total of 8 226 vault options across 4 toons so we’ll see

I hope you enjoy your Stygia!

Should be titled “Happy Getting The Same Slot As Your Legendary Loot Day Friends”


Honestly odds are…probably.

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Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby

Don’t you put that evil on me :’(

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I’m looking forward to getting my 750 stygia. All I really want at this point are more 226 conduits.

I hope I don’t get sinful aspirants badge of ferocity for the 11th time

Umm did a key on my baby tank!

Honestly I’d be pumped to get a decent 1 hander!


May rngesus bless thee

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You are the one destroying your loots on your Vault.

Stop doing a +2. Omg… learn2play.

To get better chances, complete 10x M+7 dungeons (not necessarily on time). AND DONT EVER RUN A +2 UNTIL YOU FINISH THESE 10X M+7 DUNGEONS.

And step up to M+10. To be desirable to M+10, first do a +5 on SD, TOP, PF, and DOS then do +8/+9 on all 8 dungeons.

I will quote Charlie Brown in this: “I got a rock”

I bet I get cloaks

I got a trinket.

Haha… I got another upgrade from ilevel 213 to ilevel 223 on Trinket. My ilevel jumped from 219 to 220.

This is I believe my 19th Consecutive Weeks of Upgrade from the Weekly Vault. Yup, all upgrades every week for 19 consecutive weeks. And it may continue to upgrade next week when I start M+14 and up.

FYI, Loot upgrades is very generous in Shadowlands. All becoz of Weekly Vault. And we control the Vault… We control it in such a way that it wont give us garbage rewards like on BFA. GG.