What do you hope to recieve in your vault today
Expect to be disappointed like a sad sardine on a pizza pie
Anything to replace my below 200s but i’ll probably just get boots \o/
What do you hope to recieve in your vault today
Expect to be disappointed like a sad sardine on a pizza pie
Anything to replace my below 200s but i’ll probably just get boots \o/
And very good luck to you ma’am. If your fears do come to pass and receive some boots, hopefully they are better stats for you.
I expect to get rubbish.
I hear they will be releasing the sword of crystallized tears this week?
On hit this weapon weeps with tears of fallen nerds…
I have a total of 8 226 vault options across 4 toons so we’ll see
I hope you enjoy your Stygia!
Should be titled “Happy Getting The Same Slot As Your Legendary Loot Day Friends”
Honestly odds are…probably.
Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby
Don’t you put that evil on me :’(
I’m looking forward to getting my 750 stygia. All I really want at this point are more 226 conduits.
I hope I don’t get sinful aspirants badge of ferocity for the 11th time
Umm did a key on my baby tank!
Honestly I’d be pumped to get a decent 1 hander!
May rngesus bless thee
You are the one destroying your loots on your Vault.
Stop doing a +2. Omg… learn2play.
To get better chances, complete 10x M+7 dungeons (not necessarily on time). AND DONT EVER RUN A +2 UNTIL YOU FINISH THESE 10X M+7 DUNGEONS.
And step up to M+10. To be desirable to M+10, first do a +5 on SD, TOP, PF, and DOS then do +8/+9 on all 8 dungeons.
I will quote Charlie Brown in this: “I got a rock”
I bet I get cloaks
I got a trinket.
Haha… I got another upgrade from ilevel 213 to ilevel 223 on Trinket. My ilevel jumped from 219 to 220.
This is I believe my 19th Consecutive Weeks of Upgrade from the Weekly Vault. Yup, all upgrades every week for 19 consecutive weeks. And it may continue to upgrade next week when I start M+14 and up.
FYI, Loot upgrades is very generous in Shadowlands. All becoz of Weekly Vault. And we control the Vault… We control it in such a way that it wont give us garbage rewards like on BFA. GG.