Happy to sign the new social contract, but here's the thing

something is telling me that the new reporting system is gonna get abused, heavily. watch some entitled pvp’er go reporting everybody who ganks them in a bg or and arena, like say, i.e. some gnome, out there thinking, “ohhhh, this tauren should not be handing my butt to me, on a silver platter in a bg my team should be winning! i must report him so he can’t pwn anybody ever again!”, or some angry pve player reporting somebody from the opposite faction for tagging a hostile mob before them, like some warrior shouting stupid hunter! i need those mobs for my quest, and you turn the health bar grey on me! guess what? reported!", yeahhh, algorithms and bots running the reporting system are no substitute for hiring more human moderators. bots don’t investigate reports like people do, any sore loser can basically write a phony report, and sic the automated banhammer on someone as a version of swatting that don’t involve trips to the e.r. or getting gunned down by some paranoid, trigger-happy swat officer


Nope. Just not someone afraid of words, or of how people will react to them. Also someone who understands that language constantly changes. And someone who understands how compassion manifests itself in this society has changed and will change again, as it already has in my lifetime.

Thirty years ago, the moral scolds of the commie-hating anti-Marxist side were leading the charge to censor everything, from stickering albums, to suing heavy metal bands for supposed hidden messages, to leaning on corporations to only sell “family friendly” pop culture (i.e. pop music albums with all bad words removed or replaced), to video game rating systems, to declaring D&D and all of its derivative works, like this game, as tools of Satan - all sorts of silliness to protect the fragile members of society from reality. Anti-Marxists are absolutely not Team Everyone-Gets-to-Say-All-the-Bad-Words-They-Want-Without-Repercussions-or-Worrying-About-Others’-Feelings. They’re Team Kidz Bop.

So, at what point do the anti-Marxist ideals kick in and the brave freedom fighters finally stop paying the Marxists who make the game for the privilege of whining about them and their fellow players on the Marxists’ forum? When are you going to run off to make WoW: The Kidz Bop Edition?

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The way I see it, I’m glad it’s happening because people are becoming less and less socialized today particularly in the West. It would seem that they never got that basic training in the home, and the way that is going this would be a necessary evil(?). There’s a reason this is the first time it has happened in almost 18 years of WoW: enough people have abused the things Blizzard had removed. It was different when people (generally) respected limits. Now, new limits and the enforcement thereof must be placed.

This is something of a real-world application where if you were not held accountable to your parents(or lack thereof), to authority figures, or to the general public, you will be held accountable for the sake of your game account. Being yourself is not without responsibilities.

Don’t forget Henry Hill in Goodfellas, how your murderers come with smiles and all friendly like. That’s what has burned a lot of people in the guilds and I’m glad I don’t deal with that anymore. You’d sooner trust Dives-type people who are at least honest in their ragestorms with guildies. Niceness can hide a lot of sinistry.

How Ironic.

Zero Self Awareness.

You mean the side that rightfully were against the murdering marxists revolutionaries with a 100+ million person body count?

I’ve got no problem with the “punch a marxist” crowd.

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There are always tons of people in Zereth Mortis calling out rare spawns and coming to help people kill them.

As I recall, a moron was trying to paint me as a groomer because I used a word that you guys don’t like. I thought that perhaps that came from a misunderstanding of its meaning, because I don’t expect the people who feed you your talking points to actually explain things to you on more than a superficial level, which is why you just repeat “Marxist” over and over again and not explain why something is Marxist. But no, it was really just that poster being intellectually dishonest. (Now I feel like I have to define “Ironic” because you apparently don’t know how to use that correctly, either.)

I think you can exist just fine under the new rules. I think everyone here can. Because you’ve already been doing it.

And if you had any self-awareness you would have shut up a week ago.

I clearly do not have the same belief in the infallibility of our government that you apparently do. Somebody getting one thing right doesn’t give them a pass on everything else they do.

How did waging a decades-long culture war on pop music because of swear words - complete with an appearances by Frank Zappa and Dee Snider in front of the Senate, for something that was good for neither artists or consumers - fight against the marxist revolutionaries with a 100-million body count?

I’ve got a problem when they decide they need to have someone else to punch after they run out of marxists.

Given that they were the generation coming off both Korea and Vietnam, where they got beaten by the Marxists (and, technically, we’re still at war with Korea almost 70 years later - way to kick the can on that one, Team Anti-Marxists), I can understand why TAM would settle on policing much easier targets at home.


It can but then it might not as well. Anybody and everybody can be a scheme artist.

The fight against Marxism is never ending. Its like ideological sugar, and the mentally obese will always eat it up like cake.

The war will continue, and there will always be those who protect freedom from people like you.

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You guys can’t even quit a video game.


Funny, you think this is about a video game.

If it’s not just about a video game, things don’t exactly get better for you.

If you can’t quit a video game made by Marxists over their Marxist rules that you disagree with - a very simple thing that would express your will and save you money and time - what other, more difficult actions do you not have the will to do?

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Blizzard is a capitalist company that makes profit by catering to all groups, to include Marxists.

The only speech that needs to be protected, is speech that not everyone agrees with. If everyone agrees with the speech, it doesn’t need protecting.

Now, Blizzard is a private company, and can make whatever rules they want to. This is fact. Blizzard is not beholden to the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of The United States of America. This doesn’t mean they can’t or have the inability to implement the same rules on their platform.

As always, I will state, I would respect Blizzard more if they did adopt a stance where Freedom of Speech was a central aspect of their game. Just because they don’t doesn’t mean I hate Blizzard for not doing so.

None of this makes any difference when dissecting the thing you say, or comment on. So far, nothing you have said makes me change my mind on your previous comments. Though I would never want you to be silenced and not make them. That would remove the ability for me to see who is and is not a puppet.

So, I guess this…

…wasn’t you then.

Good luck to those Anti-Marxist warriors who actually do stuff, I guess. Your brothers and sisters in arms who can’t be bothered to step out of their comfortable bubbles of existence support you! They will type inappropriate things into video game chat channels in your honor!

I, on the other hand, am going to go ahead and put you on my ignore list. I do this not because I want to commit anything you have said to memory, but just so I would know by your place on the ignore list that you, like everyone else on there, don’t have anything to say that’s worth hearing.


At the very least, most players will communicate only in Discord. Or will stop communicating altogether, like me. I don’t trust this system at all. No reason to do.


There is no reasoning with Marxists… it is a religion. They are in a cult.


yeah, i kinda got the same translation when i read between the lines of that “social contract”, basicially when you get down to brass tacks, it means “just don’t be a butt-monkey”.

What would happen if they had made a third option?
Yes - as it will be.
No - This option has limitations on chat and perhaps other things.
Exit - as it will be.

I doubt if many people will actually read it, you have no option but to click yes, just like all a TOS.

Someone else posted about how they agree with the sentinment and I agree with that. But not necessarily this. I don’t want it be another FFXIV. I’ve seen plenty of posts and things about people being afraid to speak anything less then positive and it creates a fake positive [Which is toxic as well] community. I don’t want that here. If it’s to be positive, at least let it be genuine.

I don’t do instanced content, yet I always see other players out in the world, both in SL zones and legacy zones because I’m currently leveling a couple of alts.

The issue could be your server.

MMO ≠ Groups are mandatory.

Professions ≠ Group content. WoW doesn’t need more gated solo content.

Forcing me to group with others in order to mine will make me resent the game and not make me any more likely to speak to you than your Dungeon example. Likely less so because of my resentment at being forced into something that I don’t find fun.

Surrounding gathering nodes with more trash mobs, or more surprise-triggered spawns, or making more things I’m gathering BOP makes gathering professions less desirable. I prefer gathering professions because I can sell what I gather, not because I need them for a crafting profession.

No, WoW is not a “social game”, whatever this means.
WoW is an RPG, it says it in the genre: MMORPG. Role Playing Game. You’re playing a role, you’re roleplaying a character. This isn’t real life, this isn’t real society.

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