Happy to sign the new social contract, but here's the thing

We all know this whole thing while being a pr stunt is going to end up going badly.

People will inevitably weaponize this to a heavy degree. This wont be the first game where the report feature was used in a bad manner.

Look at new world, a game heavily designed around world pvp and conquest. Guilds we’re getting banned left and right by others weaponizing the report feature solely so other guilds can take over zones without having to engage in pvp. Its gotten so bad that last i heard Amazon is pretty much looking to shut down the game.


Simply Amazing.

If the consequence is being censored or banned and no one sees what you said except those who censored you is not free speech. Free speech is to protect speech you disagree with.


There used to being a saying by liberals before the word liberal got high jacked by progressives. " I might not agree with what you say, but i’ll die fighting for your right to say it."


It protects speech that the Government disagrees with, not anywhere else. The Govt shall not arrest you for what you say about the Govt, political issues, political leaders (other than death threats, violence, and stuff).

The consequences of breaking rules on private property is that they remove your speech, and sometimes you, from that property. That is what private property rights allow.

This is private property - Blizzard’s house and Blizzard’s rules.

Nobody has free speech on private property - where you had to accept the rules and enter voluntarily - and agreed to the terms of those rules and consequences.

Which is true and applies to the Constitution. It does not mean some business has to let people be as vulgar as they want without consequence.

Those rights include private property rights.


So, people using the words you don’t believe in despite being perfectly valid words with Latin derivation get equated with groomers, despite the only people bringing up kids are you guys. And here I thought the Marxists were hogging all the “demonizing people for the words they use” action.

Again, you and “The Marxists” are peas in the same pod.

I agree, doesnt mean i like it. I was mentioning that in general, not for the forum rules.

It’s a perfectly fine word. It’s the opposite of “transgender.” Cis is Latin for “on the side of” and “trans” is “on the other side of.” Cisgender = on the side of your gender/you identify with the gender you were born with. It makes a distinction, but not a judgement.

On the other hand, “Normal” is the opposite of “abnormal,” which makes a distinction with a helping of judgement.

  1. I suspect there’s a lot about you that’s caveman simple.
  2. Prior to this post, I said CIS or Cisgender fewer times than you have. Had you not brought it up again, I wouldn’t have mentioned it again. So, why do you keep repeating the word you don’t want people to use?
  3. The one with kids on the brain is you.

They are in a Cult. You might as well be arguing with a flat earther.

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It speaks volumes that “just try to be less of a crap human being to others” falls into the same category as “flat earth” nonsense with you.


Its not that complicated, xy chromosome = male xx chromosome= female. This is science and biology 101 lol.


Can someone tell me how this was flagged, He has a right to a opinion. Good or bad.

This is not. “Flagged” When it is inflammatory speech and language. Is blizzard playing one side?


In 9.2.5, all weapons will be reskinned into pool noodles of various colors.

Just figured I’d throw that out into the void, since this thread is gonna get nuked soon anyway.

Biology is not identity, which is apparently too complicated for some people in this thread.

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You can identify as whatever you want, but that doesnt mean you are what you identify as. Which means its false and a fantasy, simple as that.


Encouraged? By whom? And how…how does it benefit me to spit on someone?

Hard disagree on all that. What exactly do you want people to do in the open world? WoWs strength has always been its instanced content. You don’t improve by shoring up weaknesses, you improve by doubling down on strengths.

So, if a Christian has no biological factor tying him to his faith but believes himself to be a Christian and carries himself as a Christian, he isn’t one and his faith is merely a fantasy?

Yes. Are you suggesting Christianity isn’t a fantasy?

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My point was not to suggest good or bad, but to apply the poster’s logic about biology being the definer of reality to other beliefs.

Well, not only did you not refute his point, you probably picked the worst possible example to compare it to