Happy to sign the new social contract, but here's the thing

It’s a Cult.


Quick to insult now?

/ spitting should be allowed and put back in. It was fun doing this in pvp, i had people do it to me and thought it funny. Who the hell gets upset about /spitting in a fantasy game? Lol


Confirmation, thanks.

It’s now “Subjugate Demon.”

That’s news too me then. Far as i knew leaf was the first recorded but semantics lol

Naw, just shows you know nothing and don’t know how to read law.


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Like i said no concrete solid evidence.

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  • [Brief Amicus Curiae of the Free Speech Defense and Education Fund, Inc., Free Speech Coalition, Inc. et al. in Support of Appellant on Supplemental Question]

Literally the only 2 mentions of free speech in the entirety of what you linked, again which is a citation of sources. Maybe YOU didn’t read it?

They do…

They have financial requirements to disclose many things to shareholders. However, they do have the right to free speech - and to the consequences of that.

They can also engage in politics, political donations, etc. Corporations, even publicly traded ones, are treated as “persons”, and afforded free speech rights.

They also have private property rights - as in the game is the property of Blizzard as are the servers and forums we communicate on. They legally have every single right to set their rules and enforce those rules - including speech on their private property.

You think having stocks sold on the public market somehow negates those rights, but it does not. What being a publicly traded company does is impose a ton of duties to shareholders that are related to financial performance and risks, not deprive a company of the rights to control their own spaces.


Thinking someone is a pedo because they use a word that means “you identify as your birth gender” makes me think the problem lies with you.

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I put him on ignore, he’s talking through his hat and gaslighting. Showed him case law, and calls you a troll.

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Because it’s a production.

At this point we can just assume everyone did so no one gets forgotten.

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Well, see. I don’t identify as anything. I just am. So are you.

And, assuming they’re not trolls, you don’t have to engage with any of them, use the terms they prefer, etc. It’s your choice to engage.

So you went to a server known for its ERP community…

I can’t recall any guild invites either on my server or linked servers that pitches gender orientation, sexual proclivities or anything else. There are a couple who are overtly Christian, or that specifically solicit adults (seemingly because they want to tell dirty jokes in guild chat), etc., but none that go full blue straight away.

You can say what you want. You just have to deal with the consequences of what you say.

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You seem to be keen on identifying people as kid-diddlers when they use words you don’t understand.

People misunderstand what Citizen’s United vs. FEC was. What it did is establish that political contributions aren’t to be denied by the government because of the first amendment, not that corporations have a right to free speech. It established that those entities are allowed to donate politically, precisely because the nature of public trading allows for such things to be handled democratically within the company itself.

Hence, again, why shareholders/stockholders, such as what is going on currently with Netflix, are allowed to sue a company when such actions are damaging to the value of those shares.

Fun Fact. I is a pronoun. So you do Identify as something.

:raised_hand: The More You Know ! :raised_back_of_hand: