Happy Star Wars day!


I think the 1st was international jockstrap day xD

Walter lol use the force lol

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Unofficial holiday. May the fourth be with you. Also, if you think everything is a holiday NOW, you should check out some of the stupid “days” in existence. There are multiple “holidays” for a single day.

It gets better.


I loved that movie when it came out lol.

I’m going to go kill some younglings to celebrate!

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I haven’t heard the movie named in a long time.

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prequels were my star wars

I don’t like anything Star Wars after 1983.


That’s fair.

I do like Star wars the OG trilogy, Phatom meance,clone wars and rots, and the obi wan special on disney+.

The new movies Force awakens,last jedi and rise skywalker were meh.

Now The Mandolorian and book of Boba Fett are utter garbage in everything thing about them. It perhaps the worst character assassination’s I had ever seen.
Jon Favreau, Dave Filoni and Kathleen Kennedy complete butchered Boba Fett and Mandolaorian legacy all for the merchandising of Baby Yoda Sh!t.

I enjoyed Mandalorian and Rebels. But I also love Old Republic lore and some of that is in there, too.


Oh snap you made me realized I lied.

I love SWTOR. It’s my #1 mmo now.


Happy SWD to you as well!

Boba Fett wasn’t good, tbh. The only two good things about it were the Mandalorian and the Sandpeople lore.

But I don’t think the Mandalorian legacies were at all ruined. That’s all old lore. Most of which comes from Old Republic stuffs.

It’s more like a Star Wars memorial day at this point.


Happy Star Wars Day!

I’m very sick and called out of work but have been slowly working through the new season of Star Wars Visions.


For me, Star Wars day is always May 25, the day the very first film was released.