Ewoks are a far sight better than porgs. At least Ewoks had named characters and were sentient.
Sentient? They point, snort, and roar and somehow are more accurate than Stormtroopers, and can destroy AT-ST’s with logs.
Just no. And I’m glad the movie omitted what they did to the AT-AT’s.
Well, sorry your most elite battalion of stormtroopers got got by some walking shiatsus.
Henceforth, why Starwars fans are nerds and deserved to be pantsed for their transgressions against Science Fiction.
Oh, you were under the impression Star Wars is science fiction. Go drink some synthale trekkie. Having the right to call anyone a nerd. LMAO
Don’t be jealous that Star Trek did it better. Only Star Wars fans think ‘May the 4th’ is clever.
The only thing Trek did better was space babes.
I don’t like star wars.
Why is that every day of the year is a holiday for something now?
We need an international nothing day at the rate things are going
This is the World of Warcraft forums, not Star Wars: The Old Republic ones.
I am the seventh - Palpatine
Every May 4th i am just reminded how badly Disney has destroyed Star Wars and it makes me a little sad.
Neither does Disney.
Oh my…
Yeah that’s one.
Trek has so many. Especially TOS and Early TNG.
I shall celebrate by playing/watching Star Trek.