Happy Pride Month!

Awe babies!

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yeah no. isp competition doesn’t exist here. dunno where you’re at bud.

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because parents don’t believe in free speech.

Oh I LOVE baby turtles SO CUTE :3


That’s actually exactly what freedom of speech is. lol


Freedom of speech isnt “I get to say anything without fear of repercussion.”

There are repercussions if you say anything racist, hateful, violent or in any other way illegal. This also follows onto the forums, where Blizzard can forward your information/details to law enforcement if you say illegal things.

Its a muddy topic, free speech. But its not just a black and white “I can say whatever I want wherever I want.” No matter if its in a library, a mall, or in an online forum.

Basic reference off Wiki, could dig up the ICCPC agreement the USA signed as well for further clarification.

Freedom of speech and expression, therefore, may not be recognized as being absolute, and common limitations or boundaries to freedom of speech relate to libel, slander, obscenity, pornography, sedition, incitement, fighting words, hate speech, classified information, copyright violation, trade secrets, food labeling, non-disclosure agreements, the right to privacy, dignity, the right to be forgotten, public security, and perjury.

Honestly they describe free speech pretty well. And you kind of can say what you want with out consequences. You could literally call for people to be burned alive but as long as you don’t actually do it , you’re more or less protected. There’s limits to it. And private companies like Blizzard aren’t Congress so they can moderate it as they see fit.


Can you? Can you draw up a big sign that says “I want to strangle my neighbor tomorrow” and go stand on a street corner. See how far you get.

Yes there is.

As long as you don’t actually strangle him, you can. Will the police come talk to you? Yes but they can’t do anything to really stop you from wearing the sign.


Don’t tempt me! My neighbor has decided it is fun to feed geese. This is in the middle of a neighborhood. How did the geese find this chucklehead? :thinking:

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This is :100: not true. They can and will stop you, arrest you and charge you with uttering threats. It literally happens to politicians off facebook monthly in both Canada and the USA. You dont even have to search very hard to find cases of online libel between two random people.

Here’s a good one:

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) recently heard a case involving a man who made multiple threats on Facebook against his wife. The government claims these threats were a federal crime and qualify under the threat exception to the First Amendment protections of free speech.

But you know what… forget what I said. Please go say anything you want, anything at all, even the bad stuff we all know we all think sometimes. Find out for yourself!

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To be fair Canada doesn’t have free speech.


I’m not


Oh I know, I have had that debate a couple of times since I am an American (ew Florida) born living in Canada the last 30years.

Gonna be a long month of clicking ignore on all these threads.


This is awesome OP, happy for what you are proud for, let the ones against it, try to find happiness elsewhere.

It is :100: true. Police will talk to you if you do that. They aren’t going to just arrest you outright though just because you are saying it and have a sign saying it. Is it a good idea? Nope not at all, but it is NOT an automatic arrest. For an arrest to happen there needs to be a crime. It is NOT criminal say you want to strangle your neighbor tomorrow. It is if you do something about it or they can prove that you INTEND to do it. Most likely the police will just watch you to make sure you do not make an illegal action.

You used an example where a person made MULTIPLE threats against his estranged wife. It took me 15 seconds to find it on google and you might want to read how SCOTUS decided. It’s not the decision you think they made.


All of your takes are bad ngl


There may have been better examples to come up with, and no skin off my back if its not an agreeable take for some. Just trying to add the conditions with which Freedom of Speech come along with. And there are a good amount.