Happy Pride Month!

It’s not a holiday by any means


I feel like a middle-aged white woman from Ohio whose profile only says “I love Jesus” wrote this on Facebook.


Well he said “prosecution” not “retribution”. But you probably know what he meant more than he did…I guess.

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Yep a month of cringe


yup… no escape. someone was yelling similar things as early as yesterday in-game.


This thread is why other countries hates us.

No offense dude, but… this thread was not sympathetic towards LGBT+ to the least. At least not in other countries. I mean, i think they would have laws protecting them in those countries more then just a video game to play, but that’s just me.


Sympathy is not my goal - empathy is. I’ve been on the offensive in the past, as well as the defensive. I regret the former, and have grown from the latter.

I’ve been debating giving specific examples, but one that comes to mind is the character screen. I was upset that male and female disappeared from the options, and acted immaturely in response. Me not being happy with Blizzard’s decision should not have elicited a negative response.

In truth, it was such a minor change that it had no effect on whether I click the login button and enjoy the game. I know - I’m being altruistic and/or idealistic, but I wanted to try something.

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I was going to say all kind of things, but I changed my mind. So here’s a video of a kitten playing with a duck.


Meanwhile actual lgbt want that on a shirt because its funny. Just “oh bless your heart you thought we’d be offended by this shirt?”


I’d wear it lol


I wonder if Pandaria celebrates pride month

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You’ll know we love this right


I have no interest either way, but just to be clear, the government does not give you freedom of speech or any other right.

Our rights are inherent. The government is supposed to be protecting those rights. They do not grant them. It’s right there in the document.


I see what you’re saying, but everything has to be placed in context.

You have an inherent right to free speech. The First Amendment says that you can’t be arrested for saying what’s on your mind. But if you come into my house and say something that annoys me, I am entirely within my rights to toss you out.

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I’m so happy diablo4 starts in less than 5 hrs and i don’t have to see this garbage.


Cue the return of Error 37

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Fel yeah, brother! And I’m proud to be a white, straight, cis, male! Happy Pride Month!


The Free Software Foundation will tell you that there are two definitions of “free”. Their uses are “Free speech” and “Free beer”. The first being the right to express your ideas without government interference and the second means not having to pay for something.

The reason it is important in free software is that free softwrae follows the first definition. While you are allowed to sell free software and make money, you have to provide the source code where anyone is then “free” to use as they see fit.

Shouldnt it be demo?

Then em?

Then " "?



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