Happy pride month! Hope to see in-game events!

Okay that is probably true, I have no reason to doubt you. But it is holding a bit of animosity towards it. Like Apexstar said, that should be let go of

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Do you know what LGBTQIA+ people went through for you to have the rights that you have today? Do you not realize that people have been the target of “hate crimes” for as long as there has been bigotry, including murder and lynchings and harassment, and chastised etc etc etc, remember the holocaust? I really can’t understand how someone could hate LGBTQIA+ pride month.

Oh no i actually hate pride
I believe it does more damage than good.

It treats people as if being lgbt is the biggest trait they have
And it makes it so those who are on the fence feel they are having it force upon them. Shoved down their throat if you will.

I believe it increases homophobia and dehumanises me


I demand a Rastafari-Viking pride month

We are the most marginalized people on the planet, we are hated so much very few people know we even exist anymore!

The struggle is real save my people!!!

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I humbly disagree.

Yes it was horrible
But the past is not today

Yes, that is awful

Neither do i
Because i dont


I honestly & sincerely doubt your sincerity.

Happy pride month Tuullnn. May all your hopes and dreams come true! :grinning:


Yeah and i think youre the OP and trolling
No way of proving either way

But no, i am gay
Im married to a man

And how i believe change will happen is representation in media.
Not through things like pride parades.

But by being normal people like everyone else.


Oh Mclovin, I am so very different from “normal people” lol. PROUD OF IT.

I’m not the op.

Hope that hate doesn’t kill you, best of luck with that.

McLovin, I understand what you are trying to accomplish, but you are not going to gain any headway with the OP and the puppets.

Not worth your time, believe me I wasted a pile. If you disagree with the event sponsord by Blizzard you are going to be unjustly labelled here.


Calling us puppets isn’t called for, and is rude and has been noted.

I wish it were otherwise but youre right.

I just feel like im going to be stuck with a stupid lable all my life. A lable that changes nothing about me.

And then you have those who want to shine it in the spotlight for the world to see.
To throw a parade in the street while half their clothes are off. While companies slap a flag on all their products.

And when it ends, suddenly people ask “why cant we just be treated as normal humans”

It does my head in.


I have so many friends who are on the same page as you. I feel for you a lot.

I am sorry that you have to go through this every time another spam thread appears.

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Exactly :100:

As I’ve said here before, there is nothing that says being gay is no big deal…than to make a big deal about it.


No doubting that. Honestly I can’t take this person seriously anymore. I genuinely tried with you but I don’t think you’ve said a genuine and sincere thing in this entire thread and think you are here for arguments sake and trolling.

I’ve gone ahead and blocked you on the forums.

Conversely, instead of strong-arming a well established video game that has little or no lore of your particular interest, with your current political/social power, perhaps you could not click on the game and play something else?

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Its okay talonel
No one has ever taken you seriously

Nor will they no matter how many alts you post on


Why the hell would i?
People should be vaccinated.

Nothing says losing an argument like making political insults and running away

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I am honestly of the belief now that they truly feel it’s them versus the world. Everyone gets those labels, heck they called me a Trumper not knowing I was Canadian. It’s the last refuge, the broad stroke paint brush that you disagreed so you are X.