Happy Earthen Day!

So am I the only one who is ready for the birth of their new Earthen level 10? I included “Rock” Roxy" Rox" etc in all names I reserved on place hold toons level 1. Bags are all made and gold ready with a full armor set for each toon I get to 80, which will be two. Finished Loremaster of Kaz’Algar on main just to speed level them.


Got my name reserved as well. Also have a level 70 token on deck as well :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to see that 1 Earthen named “Flat”


i wonder if “Rockhard” is allowed?


Spell it with a funny alphabet character, can’t say anything.

I hope everyone has a rocking day! :rock:

I have a couple more quests but then I’m not sure if I make one or just race change a kid I already have. I have a number of newbie 70’s working on their garrisons after panda speed leveling.


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“Stoney” for me.

Bad News, server is up, alleria doesnt have a quest :frowning:

I’ve got a couple names set up and leaving it at that.

Just waiting for it to hit.

Well updated.

Was Happy to get name from my Earthen that I used on beta.

Arkenstone is ready to go.

Race change on board.

Waiting for the quest I guess.

Gonna make two, one for each faction, one for each of my accounts.

Haven’t decided what my Horde character is going to be named but my Alliance will be “Shale.”

Happy Earthen Day!

The actual reset is 12pm EST US. maybe then.

Some of you prepped more than I did. I’m just going to wing it.

Tries to come up with a name under pressure. Um…uh…Igneousrick?

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From DA, or just because it’s a rock?

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Speaking of the Earthen, how is the heritage armor going to work now?

If I race change one of my two tauren paladins to an Earthern, do I get the quest?

I kinda like that. lol

How do I complete “The War Within”? Logged in after maintenance and still nothing for the 5th Chapter.

Definitely DAO.