Happy Birthday to the US Navy

244 years and still going strong.

Non sibi sed patriae.

And just because the Marines are a part of the Navy…

Semper fidelis.


Shhh, don’t let them hear you say that. Unless you’re a corpsman. Then you can say whatever you want.


We are not a part of the Navy. We’re our own seperate branch.

The Marines were originally part of the Navy though.

Yes we WERE. We aren’t now though.

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Thought they had a Height requirement?

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Happy Birthday.

Yet they are still part of the Department of the Navy

USA! USA! :us:

Happy birthday to the fleet :slight_smile:


Where do I mail their gift of a toy boat?

Happy Birthday to our Bus Drivers. :wink:

Seriously though; Happy Birthday to the Combat Corpsmen who put themselves on the line right alongside us, the crews of the ships and landing craft that get where we need to be, and all the rest of the world’s finest Navy.

  • Former Sergeant, USMC


Happy birthday!

full song here:

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I Love my Country.
Stay Strong.

The Marines are now and have always been a part of the Navy, hence why there is no Secretary of the Marines and the Commandant of the Marines (who is inside the Department of the Navy) reports to the Secretary of the Navy.

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10 November 1775 so as a former US Marine I thank you, but too soon.

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Not actually, we were created separately and were not tied to the US Navy until the 20th Century for budget reasons.

Also the Original mission of the Marines was to Protect Merchant Ships from British Piracy, and didn’t use Navy ships as buses until the Barbary Coast.

US Navy Seabee.

You marines probably polished your asses on my fine outhouse toilet seats.

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The Marines were created during the Revolutionary War, then disbanded, and recreated later. It was under the direction of the Navy after it was recreated, and later branched off into something separate.

Please don’t debate history with me. It’s one of my favorite things to research.

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