Happy Birthday to the US Navy

Spoken like a person who was never in the Military, and has no clue about the Marine Corps. Also I have studied History at the college level, and what you see on the internet or in Wikis doesn’t tell a complete story.

The Early Revolutionary era government didn’t actually have a Budget, it doesn’t mean that the Marine Corps was entirely disbanded, they ended up working directly for the Merchant ships until the US Government was properly created, and the proper creation of the US Military. Even the Army under Washington disbanded when we won our independence becoming state Militia until a constitution was created, and laws and budgets were created.

No one counts the formation of our military branches from when they finally gained a budget, they count them when they were formed during the War for Independence.

Marines are land squids…unless it’s doc, then he’s whatever he wants to be and I’m really ok with that.

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Not really Marines have always been a branch of the Navy Hence the word (Marine or Mariner)

As an Ex-Navy person I salute the Navy on its continuing voyages and many birthdays to come!

Navy people are crazy or geniuses, landing aircrafts on a ship. What is wrong with you guys. Happy birthday. :wink:

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I tried to get into the marines but GOOD OLE MEPS DOCTOR TOLD ME NO.

Hate to break the bad news to ya… but someone needs to bone up on their history. And organization.

Marine Corps is not actually a separate branch. It’s treated as one, but is officially a division within the US Navy and has been since 1834.

Go ahead. Check into it.

Can I have some of your crayons? I missed lunch.


This is incorrect. If by “we” you are indicating you’re a Marine, I salute you for your service. But you should be ashamed of your lack of historical accuracy. Report to your Gunny and tell him what you posted here.


Happy birthday to an institution that destroys lifes and countries all over the world!

Something to be really proud off. /Sarcasm

Clearly you have no idea what the US Navy does if this is all you can think of. In addition you could use some work on your grammar and spelling.

Clearly they do it.

Dont care.

Happy Birthday Navy- may the eagles and star spangled banners shine upon you

God bless America, everyone else can die minus the queen

Ummm this topic is kind of xenophobic. What if I made a topic praising China :cn:’s navy… It would not be allowed. We have to flag this.


This is the North American forums.

Thank you all for your service!

Sorry, as much as we would periodically love that to be the case, it’s not. The Commandant of the Marine Corps reports to SecNav, not SecDef.

Does that mean the Marine corps have 2 birthdays!?

Part of the greatest force for Good, this planet has ever seen.

I’m sorry, but if you are or were a Marine you should know better. In 1775 the Continental Marine Corps was created specifically as Naval Infantry, to serve as onboard security and to conduct ship to ship combat.

Happy Columbus Day :slight_smile: :us::us_outlying_islands:

Even though we don’t know exactly how it went down, there could of been someone/people that discovered it before. I read quite a bit about it a while back but forget a lot of stuff from it