Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July to all American WoW players!
America is the greatest country in the world and I am proud to live in the country which is a beacon of democracy and freedom!

To non-American players, hope you have a good day too!


This positivity is new and welcome.
Thank you.


A democracy is antagonistic to freedom. That’s why the USA is a republic instead.


Happy Independence Day to all my fellow Americans and I hope the rest of the world has a wonderful day today too!

Semper Fi! :us:


That is why the OP is named Soviet, a perfection combination of democracy and freedom.

Happy Fourth to all on Azeroth!


Lol I’m just glad I get the day off baby

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I love the USA, Sometimes I wish I was born there and go to Highschool there I couldve worn a cheerleader outfit the whole day and no one would look weird at me for doing so and during lunch break I can fully enjoy one of the glee clubs musical songs in the cafeteria or school yard.

Sadly I missed out on all this, but at least its my day off today too today so happy 4th americans. :heart:


Nothing happy about it for me.

I have to collect flowers for the fire festival on top of a seven hour daily quest grind for flight.

I am looking at a 12 hour day today.

No fireworks for me.


Happy Brexit 1776 day


You should watch this. Actually, everyone should watch this.

It’s the clean edit, but you can easily find the unedited. It’s the best speech I’ve heard from a television show ever.


I have three dogs. Today is the worst day of the year for me.


Lameeeeee haven’t you watched Network?

Ha! My dogs are quiet the whole time.

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They must be use to gunfire in the house.

Does me screaming “HOW ARE YOU PEOPLE SO STUPID!?” when reading Sunday posts count as gunfire?

My 2 dogs love fireworks! I Buy them Bottle rockets that they love to chase and bark at. My Border collie is Ban from the big ones, cuz he tried to eat them last year

Oh hey some one made a post like this in Classic side of the forums. But i’ll just copy and paste that over.

This is what I’ll be dealing with all night tonight. :expressionless:

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A balding guy confused why he’s having ideas?