Happy 4th of July!

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Glad to live here, too!
This is about the only country left that not only stands up to bullies but also is willing to admit(sometimes TOO willing) its shortcomings.
Gotta go rehearsals!

Just want to wish my American neighbours a Happy 4th of July.
Stay safe, enjoy some fireworks and have a great holiday!

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Happy Independence Day!

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This eaglet is about to earn pathfinder. Will he fly on the fourth of July?

There isnā€™t a government in this world that isnā€™t corrupt.


Cripes that was pretty good. :+1:

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I am all for a celebration of overthrowing dictatorships.

Which one of our governments are corrupt though :anguished:

Teach me dad.

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I do find your name rather ironic considering your topic


Live here, or enjoy our Video Games and Movies! Japan also makes the best video games.

Poster seems to think that the show ā€œGleeā€ is representative of average American High School life?

I really hate when people mis-use the term ā€œrepublicā€.

A republic means a country without a monarch.

A republic does not mean freedom, nor does it mean elected people passing the laws.

Iran is a republic.
North Korea is a republic.
China is a republic.
France is a republic.
The USA is a republic.
The only thing these countries have in common is that they donā€™t have a monarch.

The United Kingdom, despite having a freely elected government, is NOT a republic. Nor is Canada.

Please stop mis-using the word ā€œrepublicā€.

This PSA brought to you by Tewa.

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Why do you have to be a piece of crap like that though? and you donā€™t speak for the rest of the world you arrogant fool

Yes, of course. I expect this to be exactly like the average High School life in America all across the country. I would be enormously disappointed if it wasnā€™t.

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You know, you donā€™t have to play WoW today if you want to spend time with friends/family. Reputations donā€™t degrade and WoW will be here tomorrow.

The USA is a republic, not a democracy. #Fact.

Democracy and Republic are not mutually exclusive. You should get your civics from something other than playing Civ.

California is a democracy AND a republic.
Saudi Arabia is neither.
Canada is a democracy but not a republic.
North Korea is a republic but not a democracy.

Republic != Democracy. Just another one trying to hijack vocabulary.

You arenā€™t reading.

Republic = no monarch
Democracy = decisions made, in part or whole, by the population

A country can be either, both, or neither, as examples above.

A country cannot be a republic and a pure democracy. Democratic processes, sure. But a republic is not, and will never be, a democracy.

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