[H]AotC 4.5hrs/wk LF WW Monk

With the release date of DF, its recruitment time….

Annunaki (H-US-Turalyon) is a small and consistent AotC focused raiding guild looking for a WW Monk to join our ranks for DF…

Currently: All Legion-BfA-Slands AotCs w/ raid achievements

Raid times are Tues/Thurs 7:45PM EST - 10PM EST.

Our main goal is to maintain our mature and relaxed, yet competitive atmosphere seeking AotC kills where everyone can have fun playing the game.

Requirements: good attitude, good attendance, good play style

Contact info:

Discord: Aureil#6653

Btag: eternainfer#1281

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still looking for a few dps; pref mage/rogue/ret

still could use some cloth DPS if anyone is out there

still have a few dps slots available

could use a few more melee DPS

Hi -
Curious, When do you plan on starting the first raid?

we try to start the raid of raid day openings, of course if servers and everything allows, lol

Quit during shadowlands, but returning for dragonflight, if you have room for ret/holy or fury war I’d love to join.

Not sure why my original post deleted
EDIT: Also not sure why it’s showing a 35 druid lol

Could def make use of a ret and would like to chat!
And since patch things have been weird lately.
But, just shoot me a message on Discord; Aureil#6653

Are you still looking for a pally? I just came back for Dragonflight and I’m looking for a new home.