Hey man its been awhile. Do you remember WayneRooney Orc Hunter and Wisdomcube Shaman? We are playing on benediction.
He forgot to add RedDragon Orc shaman / Gankenstein UD Rogue
He doesn’t love me anymore
Sup sup sup. Wisdomcube on Horde, Wisdomcubie on Alliance <3. I rolled horde on Benediction.
nah im playin on horde- faerlina by myself bro, are you not in their discord?
MY BOOIIIIIIIII WISDOMCUUUUUUUBE, shoulda played faerlina, its like blackrock lol
nah too many people. Wasn’t waiting in those queues bby. And no I just keep to my IRL friends really so I don’t have anyone’s discord.
ya I feel that man… I was doing mc the other night and my internet went out for 10min and got hit with a 6 hour queue lmao
the discord comment was a reply to someone else, new forum layout is dog and makes no sense
Holy moley!!! MttF, Axis, and IDS!!! This is Onislave (or Coagulate in BC). I’m playing Thundercloud and MT for my guild on Ashkandi. Just getting ready to start our dungeon crawl for BiS gear. It’s cool to see your names here, fellow guildies from long ago. <3 I remember phatcobra and wotanabin from Axis. We came from Laughing Skull to Haomarush right around BC launch (I think a few months prior). Dang, it’s been such a long time!!! I ended up in another guild on Haomarush that transfered to Skullcrusher. Tanked BC and WotLK before closing my acct. Whatever happened to Crem and Mithrak?
Anyone remember Soaring Pheonix from this server? i miss those guys
damn we rolled on Kritonos. Got some screenshots with you in them!
Found some Screenshots with you in them.
Male Tauren Shaman
I was in Axis when we transferred to Haomarush!
I posted on Laughing Skull forum as well bc I played over there longer.
Could only remember a few names from the guild but found the whole list @ warcraftrealms
Tag is Duely#1401
Duely here. Played resto shaman and pvp’d as enhance towards the end of vanilla. I was with the guild when we all transferred to Haomarush. Found the old guild roster on warcraftrealms. Tag is Duely#1401
It would seem I’ve found some old guild mates!
Shaman’s name was Duely
Crem and Mud were MTs right?
Veedo was rogue class leader
Fada was shaman class leader
Those are the only names I remember unfortunately
Tag is Duely#1401
Holy hell how did I miss these posts! Bahamut here. Playing Bahamut again on Kromcrush horde! I miss those good ol’ days of world pvp. I’m glad some of you remember me lol. I distinctly remember Butters the dwarf hunter as he was one of my favorite alliance. Crazy seeing all these old names.
Long time no see Buddy!
Here’s a 2019 Total War raid on smolderweb for your enjoyment. Even though your main is on Kirtonos feel free to make an alt just to stop by and say hi!
I was the Warlock class leader in Axis (towards the end of that guild), MttF, and Internet Dragon Slayers. On Laughing Skull, I was Mortivore. But on the transfer to Haomarush, I was Onislave. Yes, Crem was MT. So was Mithrak. I knew Mithrak IRL (we were stationed together). Seanna (spelling) was Crem’s girlfriend or wife. She was Priest leader and MT heals. Cremeator (he misspelled Cremator) and Mithrak were their names on Laughing Skull. On Haomarush it was Descent (Crem mistyped Decent) and Deathwishe (who was Mithrak). Last time I played with them was when we all rolled Alliance on The Forgotten Coast (Crem, Mithrak, Seanna, me, and another friend who played a Shaman in our raids).
Lanczos, Orc Rogue from the ol’ guild Free Honor. Used to have fun hanging with Yomo, Cubix, and the rest of the guild!
i was Stampe a tauren war on this server in classic, BC and lich. Also played a mage named kocpushups and got changed to dirtybliss or choda. i dont remember. i was in alot of raiding guild. i dont remember the names of them from 11 years ago lol
Sup. Remember me?