I used to be in IDS on my old account Character name Cannibial Orc Warrior 3rd MT
Divinemalice looking for Drew (Fr3sh). For the love of Hades I cannot remember your characters name. Also used to play with Vissandra.
ETHOS was the guild I used to raid with, I badly played a mage named potentmurder. One of the raid leaders was named Noj I think, cant remember the other guys name. We had the best times in wotlk
Reidmad Orc Warrior, Bullscope Tauren Hunter, Freezrburn Blood Elf Mage, Sotl Troll Shaman.
Hey Cannibial, can you give me your battle tag and I’ll shoot you a friend request and get you a invite to the discord. =)
Futile was my guild had a barr in it. I played Huntress
Neat. I was Reishikahn. I remember almost nothing.
need the end numbers too
Yeah Futile with Aggro and Mango and them.
I was Dichterling, the resto druid, Ganymede (SP?) was the druid class lead if I recall?
Yes! aggro/deathmango i remember them. and ganyy lots of old names coming up
Wotanabin from Axis and Internet Dragon Slayers
Sorry PlagueShadow1634
Warlord Tuskar, Guild Master of Violent Arrogance!
We rolled on Kirtonos Drop in and say hi to Lakeland and myself!
Stoz, founder of Total War here! I’m now playing on Kirtonos Horde, running a more casual guild called Blunderdogs. Come on over!
whats up Miguelz! it’s mason! you playing classic with brendan and them?
Manslaughter got permabanned in Classic for constantly harrassing people. i was fiernds with him IRL, his nickname was Douche, and for good reason.
I remember you! i played an undead rogue as well but ive xferred so many times i dont even remember my old name, maybe Popup?
I was Popup/Achilles i think, i dont remember my old name but those i know i used back then. played with Buterpop, Manslaughter, Miguelz, Mambak, Mambakia. i dont remember my other irl friends old chars names but we were always in Vent or whatever was popular for chatting at the time. i think we started Swisher Sweet Gaming on this server.
Holy cow, this list of names sent me waaaay back.
I played “Archaes” Undead Warlock and joined back around 2005-6. WPVP was some good times. Then I remember moving to Warhammer with everybody until I eventually stopped MMOing for awhile.
I think you spelled your name differently back in the day “Sardukar”? Do you know if Manimarco or anyone else is still around? What a damn flash back