Haomarush Horde Reconnections

I remember you. Butters actually visited me in RL years later.

I remember you. My brother and I used to play against you guys and talk in your Ventrilo all the time. My brotherā€™s character was Rayden I think and I was Nix. You still married to Tinklies?

Edit. I think it was Greybeard married to Tinkliesā€¦ I cant rememberā€¦

Stoz long time no see! I was in TW a long long time ago. I remember talking to you in vent or whatever that old voice chat was back then. Not sure if you remember my buddy Sathelia at all? He was a holy paladin that transferred with you to Smolder I believe.

I was the GM of Ethos- UD Warlock Soulstalkr. Kril and Triberr were the other raid leaders youā€™re thinking of. Noj still logs in from time to time on BNet and I think heā€™s playing on Kilā€™Jaeden but Kril has been offline for 2+ years. I still have 1 of my characters in the Guild named Iheartbunnies.

Deltox, Roguish, Bodil played both sides eventually

In a fit of nostalgia I stumbled on this. I was Yappeh/Yapok from Axis when we transferred. I think that was the name I had then. Shaman. Miss everybody from this time. Yapok#1580 if anyone remembers me and wants to catchup.