Hand of Fate boat and NPCs missing in Bladefist Bay

I am trying to complete The Hand of Fate to access Argus on a couple of my Horde toons but the who boat and all the NPCs in Bladefist Bay just aren’t there. I’ve completed all the prior Legion quests and attempted to find any trivial quests that might be messing with the phasing of Durotar but still no boat. I had no problems on my Alliance toon.


Also having this same issue, boat is MIA. Can’t turn in. No NPC to turn in to.


Same issue here!


Same issue here.

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Also having issues. Have cleared quest log of most every quest to confirm phase issues not causing it. Abandoned quest and reacquired. Left zone and flew back. Still no dice. No boat. No NPC. “Meet escort at Bladefist Bay”

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Same issue here, been trying for 3 days nows.

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Talk to Ebyssian in the valley of wisdom (Near where you put Deathwings head) and do the dragon isles intro through to the zeppelin tower.
Ship appeared immediately after completing this.

Stormwind is probably similar.


This works! Thank you for the fix but the problem is still there for characters who have already done the Dragonflight intro.

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I basically completed every intro based in Orgrimmar for each expansion i could… the Ebyssian Dragon isles was the one that finally had the ship appear.

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Unfortunately I don’t have any more expansion intros on my main so I’ll keep hoping Blizzard sees this thread.


I’m having the same issue, been trying everything I can think of to get around it for two days, but no dice. Unfortunately, my character has already done the dragonflight intro, so I can’t just do it again to fix it. I guess I’ll just give up on argus for now.


Same here. I’ve been checking the docks almost every day for a week to see if Bliz has addressed this. Alas, the ship/npc are nowhere to be seen. I just want my Hyper-Compressed Ocean

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bump same here. HELP BLIZZARD!

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same here blizz help @blizzard

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I’m still phased out of Orgrimmar. The ship/npc for this quest isn’t showing, and none of the zeppelins within Org are coming and going despite the goblins heralding their arrivals. I also can’t seem to fish in the Valley of Honor (fishing casts immediately get cancelled). HOWEVER, for anyone who is chasing the fishing achievement, I was able to get to Argus. There was a Blood Elf npc standing outside The Barracks in the Valley of Honor with an epic quest (purple triangle icon). The quest was called Prophecy Stirs and following that brought me to Krokuun where I was able to get the last special fish.

ATTN Bliz, the issue for this thread is still a problem for many of us, please address this. At this point, Org itself is bugged out due to what seems like a phasing issue.

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Same here. Trying to get to Argus for tmogs.

Same here Bliz pls

Same here Bliz pls

Same here!!!, blizzard please !! i just want to get into argus -_-

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It’s curious that they went back and reworked the Legion mission table to allow you to have more followers earlier (and ultimately 8 rather than 7 followers), presumably to make it easier to make progress on it once you got through the increased slog of leveling up followers to do a series of 10 missions that allow you to finish your class hall. And then totally brick the table, wasting all the work they put into it, by keeping you from starting the Argus questline, which is mandatory for leveling missions.

It’s almost as though they had 2 separate committees working on the project that refused to communicate with each other.

Edit to add: my level 70 went to Orgrimmar, retook the quest that was being offered by Ebyssian, skipped a video, and took a couple of quests from other npc’s who were right there. Ebyssian cast a portal to the Dranosh’ar Blockade. I took the portal to see if it went there or dumped me somewhere else in the world, or even killed and dc’d me. It took me to the front gate. Flying down to the water I could see the boat was there waiting for me.