Hammer of Light bug?

ya keep your “fun” out of my fun. theres nothing fun to that bug, people just like it cause of damage. if hol was nerfed to fit this “fun” yall would be saying its the worse playstyle ever. ive seen this song and dance so many time sbefore that its not even funny anymore

making me qoute tettles and others here, ew,

“when things are strong enough, people stop caring about spec issues” and this absolutely rings true for this bug

12 seconds is still a small burst window

Yeah man, spamming Wet Noodle Verdict 30 times per minute is soooo much more fun! I love Final Verdict it’s so fun!!! 5 HoL’s per minute is so unfun because it means I don’t get to press FV as mucH! :sob:

I liked voj but even if you didn’t like it you didn’t have to take it, stop dictating your subjective idea of fun onto others

12 seconds every 30 seconds, + the 12 seconds from the 60 stack. absolutely doesnt make it a burst window. that gives it more than 70% uptime

thast why we’re asking for FV to get buffed, thats much more benefical to EVERYONE. not this bug shill stuff

ew, i guess someone had to like voj which was largely dislike by the entire ret community

Herald Ret being a better option still leaves Ret last place on tier list for pve. “Just take Herald” isnt a fix. Is it better than Templar? Oh hell yeah.

They nerfed crits in PvP for a reason. An ability that does all your burst damage in 1 hit every 30 seconds would never work or be allowed in PvP. spreading it across 12 second windows is the only way it can be competitive with Herald in pvp

It wasn’t 70% uptime it was about 30-40% (once again, in pvp)

FV is so spammable these days that they can’t and won’t buff it. HoL is the solution.

Yeah but looks like this time you’re the one in the minority, I think most of us liked bugged HoL

It’s meant to last 8 sec…

If it last 20 sec from HoL alone it’s broken

It’s meant to happen once every 30 sec maybe 3 times a minute.

If it happens 7 times within 45 sec, it’s broken

It’s suppose to have at most 18 sec up on the minute, if it’s up for 42 sec its…
Say it with me…


Which for most would kill it because what they like isn’t the pace but the damage.

Again, Dev’s aren’t dumb, the intent of player behind asking this is transparent.

They like the damage, that’s what fun to them, remove the damage and they’ll call it trash and dumpster tier straight away.

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Nah. I liked the pace actually. Stop putting words into my mouth.

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I’d bet 100$ you’re part of a statistically irrelevant group of people in this.

Why do you think so? You think everyone else is in love with spamming FV every 2nd global like you guys? I don’t think it’s rocket science to figure out why having a big hard hitting 5 HP spender is enjoyable?

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I’ve been reading feedback thread on this forum since BFA.
I’ve been on the class discord for the same amount of time.

I probably spend too much time on here in fact.

VoJ was literally the same type of gameplay in DF and few ever said they liked it.
Many voiced they didn’t and most I suppose didn’t care about it to comment one way or the other.

It’s a mostly personnal perception informed by my experience on feedback have seen.

I liked it because FV every 2nd global is boring. 4HP spender opened up my globals to other things like Lawbringer, more hammer of wrath’s, and actually making templar strike a viable pick over crusading strikes?

Isn’t the solution in this case to just make a choice node that nerfs HoL’s damage but makes it usable for 12 seconds? Just like VoJ was a choice? Then everyone is happy lol

Edit: I guess that would require a ton of passive reworking though, would make a lot of the other hero talents unbalancable

As much as I am with you about that bug being fun… I can’t agree that it should have stayed in the game. As prot I was able to spam 4-5 HoLs, crits were around 2M. That was broken in pvp.

Ret ones were 1,4M and rarely crit due to lack of crit on our gear and forced crusade (might is nerfed hard in pvp).

I think it is more healthy for the game for them to buff FV like many others advise here, since it is really a joke when DS sometimes is better for ST in pvp and 100% your choice when 2 players are close to each other.

They might buff it to allow it to be used twice or slap some pvp damage buff modifiers though. Or mb remove the template nerf to AV might so we will have +20% crit for it to have a real chance to hit hard.

“My numbers were too high so the ability needs to be removed”

Or they could adjust the numbers…?

FV can’t and won’t be buffed, it’s too spammable, 3HP is too low of a cost for how easy it is to generate HP now

Beside what’s in your edit, that’s not really how they meant hero spec to work, not from any communication they gave.

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It’s clear to me that HoL is designed to be one big spender that you press every 30 seconds and it was meant to be impactful when you pressed it. I think HoL achieves that goal.

I don’t know why you would want HoL to turn into a pseudo FV or divine storm. The gaps in the spec should be addressed at the core level, not from hero talents.

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Then you didn’t read

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Care to show your work?

Strong counterargument.

Maybe you should log off the forums for a while and brush up on your 5th grade math.

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I did. You should read:


Praise An’she

Nah, you should read. You’re basically asking for another spec overhaul which they already did last expansion, it’s not gonna happen.

Also, you can’t just make this claim without giving a reason:

Why?? Currently Heralds rotation is identical to the normal ret rotation, it literally changes nothing but just gives you additional passive damage? Why not have one of the Hero specs retain the old rotation and one of them give us something new? That way, Wet Noodle Verdict lovers like Benmarch and Arahgon can keep slapping their favourite button every 2nd global, and then people who want a real HP spender can play Templar? Everyone wins!

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