Halondrus Graphical Glitch - Invisible planet crackers

Also happened to my raid last night. Got to P3 and at first we think the beams haven’t spawned at all. Then realize they’re just invisible. No bueno

please fix

It has been at least 5 days since this graphical bug outbreak. Should dev react and at least tell us that they are aware of the situation and understand the frustration of those guilds trying to achieve CE in the last minute?
I know dev usually does not mention about known bugs, but it has been a week. Some guilds just wasted a whole week to progress through later bosses because of this bug.

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Well until there’s a fix here’s a temp solution. This is the minimum angle you have to look to see the planet crackers. Any higher and they disappear and any lower you’ll have a hard time seeing tank beams. GOOD LUCK HAVE FUN!

Apparently I cant post images but can post youtube links? shrugs

Please Blizz fix this ASAP!! We will potentially lose a week of Mythic prog. At least acknowledge that p3 is an issue graphically and you’ll attempt to fix it!

If this was race to world first it be fixed instantly

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Sure wish I was a WF raider so blizzard actually gave a flying f&$%^ about my experience…

…in addition to all of these issues, our warlock grandma got absorbed into a wall. You know how there’s those pillars that you normally stand with your back to them, and he ran over a rock into a corner of the wall, and instead of running into the wall, he ran THROUGH the wall. AND HE WAS STUCK THERE. And then he was casting INSIDE of the wall at the boss, and then earthbreaker missiles dropped down, and the aftershock hit him and knocked him out of the wall.

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still broken no word from blizz…

We keep wiping on heroic Halondrus since 9.2.5, despite beating him previously due to this graphical bug. If half the raid can’t see the stuff they are supposed to avoid, they have trouble not dying to invisible mechanics. Please fix it. I note that I am not seeing this issue on the Mac client, but many of our raid members running on PC are having this problem.

I did notice walls flickering in and out, becoming invisible, then visible again during the fight.

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It is absurd that they are not hotfixing this asap.

Blizz rushes the end of the expansion because they just wanna be done with it, this will be, historically, the end raid of an xpack that lasted the LEAST for like ever, I dont think even BC had a raid that ended this fast being the end raid.

Then they give us basically a new mythic plus system on raids which is to be seen if it is worth anything, but it will basically END the CE, making our chances slim to none, and all guilds who had this slim chance and are on halondrus get this as a slap on the face and effectively ending whatever hopes we had of actually pulling off a late CE.
So I guess they dont really care about the 90% of their player base who arent insanely invested in the game, if you are not a part of RWF whatever to them it seems.

So…the wildest part…they know about the bug and are just 100% ignoring us.

I submitted a ticket and this is the response I got;

imgur .com /a/qMeMQ4T (you’ll have to remove the spaces)

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I’m shocked they didn’t tell us to delete WTF and Cache folders yet. LOL

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They said they fixed the Planetcracker Beams in a hotfox, but they didn’t say anything about the Hunter auto-pull bug, the bombs being invisible, randomly getting ABSORBED INTO THE WALL like our poor warlock, OR the seismic tremors being invisible.
