Halls of Reflection - cant finish

After 11.0.0 the Hall of Reflection dungeon cannot be completed. Sylvanas and The Lich King RP event at the end of the dungeon does not finish itself, the ship doesn’t assist and crash any rocks down to end the event. You remain in combat and nothing happens currently.


Same thing happened to me on 2 different alts. On the first alt, dpsed the Lich King done to 1% at start and was stuck at the end without it normally ending. on my second alt, I left him untouched till the end thinking getting him to 1 health was bugging the fight, but again I was left with him being stuck at the end with no loot.


Same, same thing happens Alli side too.


Oh thank god, i am not the only one without this issue


Has anyone been able to find a way to complete this? or is this dungeon just unfinishable now?


Same happened to me today. I tried HOR on both Heroic and Normal and made it to the end of the chase. The gunship comes up and nothing happens. This cannot be finished, nor can the Wrath of the Lich King quest be completed and turned in.


UPDATE: I was able to finish it on Normal, but only after abandoning the Wrath of the Lich King quest. It auto popped up and accepted after defeating the first 2 bosses, so I abandoned it a second time, then proceeded successfully. I tried to go back in and finish it on Heroic, but neither Arthas nor Jaina were anywhere to be found, so I will wait for the reset and try again.

Having the same issue, hope blizz will fix this soon…

Same happened to me. I have even submitted a ticket and got an avarage bot answer. >_> RIP to the transmog… And the worst part is, you don’t even get it from a postbox, because technically, you “don’t” finish the fight. It’s so frustrating and rediculous!

I have attempted to run this with no armor too, thinking that i might have possibly lowered the Lich King’s HP too fast? But no… :frowning:


Nope! It did not work on Heroic, even with the quest declined/abandoned. :frowning:

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I’m encountering this bug, too, sometimes. The Lich King grips Sylvanas, the Horde air ship rises up, and then nothing happens. There’s no dialogue, the ship does not fire, the Lich King does not get crushed under rocks, and the ship does not extend its ramp. I can only exit the dungeon to reset and try again.

The bug occurs around 80% of the time. All I can do is walk out of the dungeon to reset and try again. I can’t discern any cause for the bug.


Having the same issue here. Trying to get the transmog and I cant even farm it. Tried multiple times on multiple days and same thing. Arthis grips Sylvanas and then im just stuck there watching the two of them. Please fix

Same here. Get to the end and the ship doesn’t help. Poor Jaina just stuck gasping for air

yeah its still bugging out, can’t even reset it because its on heroic

Still bugged 8/11/24

AUGUST 12th, 2024. Still bugged. cant finish the dungeon.

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they had enough time to censor Blademaster’s Suntouched Stones from the trading post but they can’t fix this instance?


This has been prone to bugging at least since WoD. My best guess is that it is the legacy scaling damage that is the problem. The only solution I ever found was to do nothing during the RP between the Lich King and Sylvanas. Let Sylvanas do whatever damage needs doing and let her stun lock the Lich King, that generally works.


Same here. After getting stuck on Heroic (ship came but didn’t fire) I switched to Normal and tried again.

I a) didn’t damage the Lich King at all, and b) waited a bit before killing the adds for good measure, and between those two (probably a) if I had to guess?) it worked and I could complete it.


August 17th 2014 it’s still bugged

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