Halls of infusion Watcher Irideus Fight. Unplayable

I’m on a pretty low end card but when the boss drops the huge ground aoe the game goes from FPS to seconds per frame. Had similar issues in the area before Blobgrog in Plaguefall, but not this extreme.

Any one else, any solutions? Kind of afraid I might have to turn off projected textures but that’s a sure fire death from standing in everything that uses them.

Makes this dungeon undoable for me.

Only occurs on this fight.

Edit: Had the wrong boss, and have had a similar but not as bad experience with the last boss on underrot.

Noticed something with this that might be pretty important.

I play with the camera zoomed all the way out somewhere between 45 degrees and top down.

The effect that appears to be causing the issue is way up in the air around or above the bosses head. The extreme slow down happens when the camera is above or near the level of the effect, if I bring the camera down to the ground it runs a lot better.


Having massive machine lag issues on this boss as well. Drivers are up to date.

I had posted my issue in Technical Support - and it looks like a mod moved it to Bug Report →

I’m not sure the spec of my card - but its a gaming laptop from the last year, so it should be supported! >.<

I do experience massive lag issues when fighting him as well.
CPU - intel i7 5820k
GPU - GTX 960 (12gb)
Rocking 16g of ram as well.

Typically see the most dramatic of frame drops after overwhelming power pools spawn or the orbs during intermission spawn.

This one is probably in a grey area that could go either way.

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Yeah - I am just happy its starting to get some notice. And I’m happy its just not me!

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I Haven’t extensively tested, but I dust canned the the video cards cooling system and things seemed to have improved.

Not that there still isn’t an issue. Even if that is a fix it means there’s something pegging some cards to 100% duty cycle which wouldn’t appear to be justified by the fight.

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Pretty much every boss in HOI drags my framerate down to nothing and outside of those I’m anywhere from 80-120. Even when my stuff is reading 60ish it is still chugging during those fights. Literally the only place in the game that chugs my system outside of like 100+ people killing a world boss or goblin.

So annoying I don’t even wanna run it for keys, I nearly bricked a 18 not 10 minutes ago thanks to dying from all the stuttering lowing my reaction time.


Yeah - i avoid it unless I really have to run it for something…

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Noticed something with this that might be pretty important.

I play with the camera zoomed all the way out somewhere between 45 degrees and top down.

The effect that appears to be causing the issue is way up in the air around or above the bosses head. The extreme slow down happens when the camera is above or near the level of the effect, if I bring the camera down to the ground it runs a lot better.

If moving the camera lower helps people with this issue my guess is it’s an issue with the camera being on plane with a very large effect and no culling happens.


I’ll try this today and I’ll post the results thanks for the advice bro

Oh - I’m going to have to try this too <.<

I’ve since tested it a couple times, nothing really definitive. I haven’t had a complete unplayable melt down since, but can’t really be sure if this is the cause.

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