Also Venthyr, Also Bugged.
Submitted a ticket and it didn’t seem to help.
Blizzard can you fix this already? We just finished Beta for Azeroth and now we are playing THE SINGLE MOST BUGGED EXPAC I’V EVER SEEN!
I’m Venthyr and this quest also doesn’t exist for me. I can’t get lore master right now because of it.
Bump, I really hope this gets fixed soon.
Same problem here. I’m a Venthyr and Archivist Fane never gave me this quest when it was time for it, I just have blue “collect sinstones” quests available from him.
Looks like they are aware and I would assume it will be getting some attention in due time.
Glad this topic is gaining some speed. I noticed this a day or two ago and found a similar post on here. Seems the more days that pass more people and encountering it which is great to get blizzard notified.
Hopefully this means we will see a fix for this by tuesday. its literally the last quest standing between me and loremaster (the FULL big loremaster)
Bumping my original post, hopefully Blizzard sees this and puts in a hotfix.
This is also happening to me. I’ve picked venthyr as my covenant. I did the Halls of Atonement quest to get the medallion. I cannot get the quest from the Arcanist to go there to complete the Sojourner of Revendreth. Please fix.
Same issue as everyone else here. Would like to have all my Sojourner achievements done!
This is the final step for me to get my Loremaster title so its saddening that this isn’t getting fixed.
apparently was hotfixed during the restart yesterday, thought I had checked after the reset but i must not have, will update in the morning to check.
Any update on this?
I just went and checked, the quest is still not available for me, wowhead has had mixed reports of some people able to pick it up but not others. so it seems the fix didn’t “really” work.
Ive had a ticket pending about this for like 24 hours now, hope it gets fixed soon
Just reporting in that this is still broken.
I had hope for a little bit…
still broken for me too. whatever hotflix they have claimed to have done didnt work
I’m also having this issue, and I didn’t begin the quest chain until after the hotfix was posted (the support article says it was updated 2 hours ago)
I’m also Venthyr, and I have completed the Medallion quest.
Even with a hotfix I’m still not able to get this achievement.