Hallows end queue times

What is with the queue times for the Headless Horseman? I am currently in a queue that shows an average time of 4 minutes but I have been sitting in this for 42 minutes.

I ended the queue prior to restart just in case but the one I ended was 40 minutes with an average of 11 minutes pic here.

I am not the only one experiencing this and tweeted about it.

So what is up?


Same for me as dps. Average wait time is 8 minutes… I’m at 35 minutes and counting.

Queue times, simply put, are estimates based on recently placed groups. This would include groups who start with main roles already filled (tank & healer) as well as random queues and dps players looking for groups.

It will likely change a bit tonight as more people log on too :wink:


Been playing wow since the dungeon finder came out. I understand the queue times, but if I am waiting 40+ minutes and the average is at this time showing 3 minutes and I am in queue at 1 hour and 2 minutes the math is not right.

Being a DPS I understand and accept the wait but that is not the premise of my query, it is the average makes zero sense.


If you feel that it might not be working, you might want to consider a post in the Bug Report forums to let them know.

My gut says that it’s only because the event just launched today and that we’ll see that number average out more over time.


Ya did that…years ago, but it is not the event it is and has been always like that.

DPS before covide during a non event I would have a 30 minute wait on a 12 minute average. During elune it was the same thing throughout. It is not a new thing but an old thing Blizzard just ignores.

It is like target nearest. I can hit the hotkey and it would scroll through all mobs around the nearest one to me and not ever touch on the nearest one. A bug that has been around for years and nothing done.

It’s an old thing that players can’t seem to do the math for. Instantaneous queues for Tank and Healer and 30 minute queues for DPS for a 5-man dungeon average out to a 6-minute estimated queue time on the display.

It’s not a bug. Players just don’t do the math.


Explain the math behind a 3 minute average and I am sitting at 1 hour and 2 minutes

the average is all players.

If you have 10 tanks who get in in 10 seconds (100 seconds total) and 10 healers who get in in a minute (healers are not insta invites and have had waits so that is 600 seconds.

Now you have 30 dps who have 12 minutes wait (21,600 seconds total).

Taking into account all the times the average for all is 7.43 minutes.

Is my math wrong based on the numbers I used?

Your math is already off. You don’t add up their queue times, that doesn’t make sense. You average them in with all the other queue times. So if a tank or healer averages 1-2 seconds and then the DPS average 30-60 minutes, then the number will definitely be skewed.

But I don’t know whether or not all of the recent queue times are also tossed into the mix to better average out the number over time.

So let’s say that the real average over time turns out to be closer to an hour, then we see the average go up with the more that people queue.


You might want to learn yourself.

To get an average you add up all the totals and divide by the amount you added up.

You literally have to add.

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Aren DPS queue times entirely dependant on how many tanks and healers queue up? 1000 DPS competing for 3 spots (just pulled a number out of my head), queue times are gonna be long for them. Also seeing how the loot pumpkin is once a day, a tank and healer are not gonna queue up again (unless their friends ask them). The math is a bit more complicated than just adding… we are getting into Algebra territory.



I tested out on one of my levelling healers, the queue time was approx 30 seconds.

i currently have 8 characters, and this does seem to be an issue on blizzards end. 5 of the characters were almost instant, i then hit one that qued for almost 45 so i swapped to a diff character and boom instantly i was in. 5/8 were under 5 mins and the rest have yet to be grouped. the 5 that worked were not consecutive either. 2 worked, 1 didnt, 1 worked, 1 didnt etc

ALL dps btw and this was back to back, so i find it hard to believe i can wait 45, swap to a diff dps and instant que, then swap back and those same ones who had issues are STILL having issues.


My average for tank is 1 minute. It does not work out the average of all players, just the queue time for your role. When I queue as DPS is shows a 5 minute average, and when I queue as healer it’s 31 seconds.

I am also seeing very inconsistent queue times, going back to back, sometimes a DPS will get in in 5 minutes, other times it will be 45+ minutes. Also when you are thinking about average times, you have to consider than 3 DPS join each group, so they will weight the average more than healers or tanks. Even if you assume healers and tanks both have an instant queue, if you have 3 DPS that waited 30 minutes, that’s 90 minutes total between 5 people = 18 minute average. If you are in queue for 45 minutes, you would expect to see an average of 27 minutes, so something is clearly weird about the estimated time when it shows a 4 minute average after waiting 45 minutes.

Just to add a bit more information, I was in queue on another DPS and it popped after 23 minutes, at that time the estimated wait was 6 minutes. The tank declined the invitation so I was sent back to the “front” of the queue. I then waited until 43 minutes before it popped again. Throughout the time “at the front” of the queue the estimated wait time changed from 6 minutes to 11 minutes, back down to 3 minutes, and then up to 4 minutes before popping again.

I asked everyone how long they waited and the tank said he was waiting for a long time and another DPS said that they had been waiting a long time as well.

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Having the same issue, on my 7th character for headless horseman run. I’ve only ran tank on one character. Everyone else was dps, each que was about 3 to 8 minutes.
I just swapped to my shadow priest, and she is now 16 minutes into the wait time. Last night when I was doing the same thing the same character was stuck at 55 minutes in queue. Something isn’t working right.

I’m glad that i’m not the only one. I have 3 characters, out of 12, that currently take an extreme amount of time. All DPS, all back to back. The other 9 have about an average of a 3 min queue but these specific 3 take 30+ minutes. I keep trying each day on them and I have yet to get in.

I’m running into the same issue. I’m getting 4-5 minutes on all of my characters except for one, and it’s been the same character since the event started. Avg wait time is showing 5 minutes and I’ve been in the queue for almost 40.

All of my characters are DPS. It’s just this one character where it seems the times are way off.

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I’m having the same problem. It seems as if hybrid classes are getting faster queues than pure DPS classes, or at least some of them are.

I get 3 minute queues on both of my Fury War’s, and my Frost DK. The moment I switch to my Hunter or Warlock however, the queue starts at an average of 5 or so minutes but my wait time winds up easily 45 minutes.

Something definitely isn’t right here.